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M101 & friends

Mike Hawtin

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This is only my second image this year owing to less than ideal weather at my site. It was done as a test to see what my set up could do with a large number of subs, I didn't have great expectations as I was only able to cool the camera to zero degrees C owing to the ambient temperatures of 20 degrees or so. Anyway enough of the excuses, here it is, hope you like it.



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Mike, if I only got two images in the first half of the year, but one of them was as good as this, I'd be pretty happy. It's not about the quantity.

You could tell us what you used to get this, the diffraction spikes on the brighter stars are quite unusual.

Is the Atlux 'belted' and rebuilt yet?

Hope all is well over there.


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Thanks for the comments chaps. Jack, capture details are on the Astrobin site, the scope is a heavily modified C6 HyperStar and no, the Atlux is not modded yet, as soon as I've got my Borg/QHY8 combo collimated I will be getting stuck into that.


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Hi Mike,

I saw the gear info on your astrobin image page, but thought this must have been default info - have never seen a c6 perform like this (even with fastar reduction/acceleration).

I imagine it takes significant effort to get it working this well, but is clearly worth it.

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Thanks Gina, Kirkster. Jack you are so right about significant effort, I still can't believe I had that much patience. All of my mods to the scope were done with hand tools literally on my kitchen table. To date I have made a wooden cradle to permit rotation of the ota for framing and to let me track much further past the meridian. The cradle also has four 10mm diameter aluminium tubes which locate the ota and also serve to hold the dewshield in place which in turn also serves as location for an EL panel. My last mod has been to fit three mirror clamps which reduces mirror flop significantly, previously imaging through the meridian was a no no, the clamps now let me do much longer NB subs through the best part of the sky.

Here is a picture of my ugly duckling for your amusement.



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For one moment (when seeing your results), I almost thought about the C6 hyperstar. But when looking at the amount of modding required, I dont think I would have that much patience for it! You must have a full swear jar.

Great results anyway :)

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