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Ciao from Sicilly and help with a Bresser skylux


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Hi everyone,

I see that newcomers get a good response here so I`ll jump in at the deep end.

My name is Sam and I`m from Exeter in Devon, UK and currently residing in Sicilly. I dreamed of a telescope quite seriously for about a year now. Today I brought a Bresser skylux 700mm without eyepiece for 25euro.

My father is a master mariner and I learnt many paths through the night sky from him. I have seen only the moon and the nebula in orions sword through binoculars with my own eyes. I want to start again with these two and build up my knowledge slowly.

I am on a strict budget. I saw this thing today and thought Id take a gamble. I want to start at the bottom and learn to love my telescope! The lens looks scratch free and clean. All the mechanisms on the tripod work. Now I need to find an eyepiece.

1) Is a standard Bressers required or can I upgrade? If so, to what level? My scope may be damaged, no way to check it yet

2) Where is a good place to order or search. My mother is visiting next week from the UK and she could bring something out.

Thanks in advance for your help. Most of you may think I`m a bit mad to start with a potentially unusuable machine.... But I saw it today and I guess it stoked the passion. I am prepared to accept to bin it and buy something new to go on the stand... or even just start new.

Bye for now


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Hi welcome along.

Is your scope a 70/700? I have one at my in laws but never got round to using it. They are often on eBay for around £200 new and between £30-£100 secondhand so you haven't done to bad. As for eyepieces get the best you can afford because you can take your EPs with you as you change scopes.

There are plenty of online retailers just check the reviews section.

Clear skies

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Hi Tuckstar,

Thankyou for the reply.

My scope is the 70/700

The weight is missing although I'm not sure what that is for.

It`s interesting that you can take eyepieces with you as you go. I got an inkling of this but how does it work? Are they all a standard size?

Do I need a support mechanism for an eyepiece? When I looked at the photo of the new model, it had a 90 degree angle thing. So do I put eyepieces into this particular Bressers part or can I just buy an eyepiece?

I really am coming from square one on this.

Thanks, Sam

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Hello adnw elcome from me too. EPs come in 2 standard sizes: 1.25" most common especially in small scopes, and 2". Sorry I don't know much more about your scope but I'm sure someone with more helpful advice will be along soon :smiley:

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You should be able to put 1 1/4 inch eyepiece directly in to focuser. There should be a hand screw to tighten on to ep.

The diagonal is called a star diagonal which enables you to look from the side rather than straight through. This is a bonus when looking at things near zenith (directly up) but not essential for use. It is same fitting as ep, then ep goes into diagional.

Hope that makes sense. Most medium sized scopes take 1 1/4 inch eps and larger scopes tend to take 2 inch EPs but there are adaptors to swap between the 2.

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Oh yeah, counter weight, you will need one to balance your scope. Check tutorials. My mate has just used an old dumbbell and a clamp. But you need to get about the right amount of weight. I'm afraid I'm not sure what that is but a little research should soon reveal the right weight needed.

Good luck.

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Hi Sam and welcome to SGL, it is quite possible you may be able to download the operators manual for your Bresser Skylux 70/700 f10 refractor, as it sounds as if you are missing a counter balance weight and this may provide you with the weight specifications, but as has been said, you really need to read some tutorials on refractors, their operation and use, before dashing off into eye piece country. If you are on a restricted budget, then it may be worthwhile reviewing the Astro/Buy Sell site for s/h basic Plossl 1.25" eye pieces as they come quite reasonably priced and most times have been well looked after, rather than buying new, have fun :)


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Hi Sam and welcome to the forum. I haven't found you a manual yet but I found

video that illustrates your telescope in order that you can see if there is anything missing from it. You will see that this video has your scope mounted on an alt-azimuth type mount (straight up/down and left/right movement) which is probably not the one that came with your scope. In addition, I have also found
video that again uses your scope but here it is being used to help show you how to set up an equatorial type mount, which is different to the mount described above in that its left/right movement is not flat but instead follows a curve which mimics the path of the stars as they move across the sky. So both videos together should help you mount your scope, help identify if anything is missing and ultimately how it is supposed to look and work. Hope that helps.

Clear skies


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