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Hello from Nottingham UK (with an unusual request)

Forum Cat

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Hello everyone.

I have just found a wonderful lady to whom I am about to get married.

She loves all things astronomical and reads the magazines and such like. She points out to me the names of planets and stars and I am starting to get a bit of a taste for it all.

Recently we paid a visit to Jodrell Bank and had a wonderful romantic weekend together.

Now to my request.

Despite her interest, my fiancé has not as yet seen a really dark sky.


Can the members here please suggest for me, any place on the planet where.

1) I can take her to get married (just the two of us)

2) See a really dark sky

3) Maybe visit a telescope of some importance.

4) The weather will be suitable for a "beach" wedding.

5) There are some attractions nearby to visit in daylight hours.

Hope that you can help. I really really want to make her happy.

Forum Cat{/b]

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Hi and welcome to the forum. In your request you don't state a budget for your holiday/wedding/honeymoon but assuming you wanted to go abroad, I would suggest the Canary Islands and in particular La Palma. There are many international observatories that have been built on the Roque de los Muchachos to keep you astronomically entertained. Sunshine, Scopes and S.....Sunbathing whilst sipping a glass of chilled wine with your new wife looking out over some tremendous scenic views - can't be bad but I'm sure others will have some better ideas.

Clear skies and enjoy the forum.


Edit Bunnygod1 beat me to it - must type faster! :grin: :grin:

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Hi Cat,

Darkest skies I ever had were the Maldives, lack of telescopes though. As above try the canaries, there are also places there you can rent scopes out. So you could also get a obsy tour as well try here http://astrolapalma.com/...

As you are in the east mids check out eastmidlands stargazers to be found here :--- http://www.eastmidlandsstargazers.org.uk/

Good luck

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Welcome Forum Cat to SGL. How about Arizona? Dark skies, good weather, plenty of astronomical related places to visit (Meteor Crater, Lowell Observatory, Kitt Peak National Observatory for starters). Lots of scenery-Grand Canyon and many other national parks are in the state. Visit Starizona's shop in Tucson and pick up some dollar priced astro gear to go in your wife's suitcases. :evil:

Wherever you go I'm sure you will have the time of your lives.



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Thanks for the big welcome.

I am a big softee but she is worth it.

Budget is not a big issue, it is a wedding after all. Hawaii is too far to travel from the uk though. I do want to be in a fit state to enjoy the honeymoon. LOL

La Palma sounds very interesting I will definitely look into that.

I will also post again in the star lounge as suggested.


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Hi Forum Cat and welcome to SGL, congratulations on your forthcoming Wedding, hope everything goes well, wherever it is to be. There are some nice dark skies in France, you might like to PM forum member Olly Penrice for details, if you are interested.


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Hi Forum Cat and welcome to SGL, congratulations on your forthcoming Wedding, hope everything goes well, wherever it is to be. There are some nice dark skies in France, you might like to PM forum member Olly Penrice for details, if you are interested.


Thank you for that.

I had not thought of France. I think not for the wedding, but as a holiday it might be just the ticket.

Thanks again.

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