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Greetings from Cheshire


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Hello Everyone

I'm a newbie proto-amateur astronomer from Cheshire. Have been interested in the universe for some time but viewing the sky and just barely catching the northern lights in Iceland late last year flipped a switch in my brain :) I need more....

I've recently bought a Skywatcher 130P, RA motor, a bunch of EPs and some Binos, and am really happy with my new gear! Due to the horrendous weather they've only been out a few nights but i've seen some awesome views of the moon and Jupiter in that short time.

I chose to try to learn to walk before I run and start with the basics. From what i've already seen i'm in this for the long haul!

Cheers all,


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Hi, welcome aboard, sounds like your on the right track. You will be surprised what you can see with a 130 and its small enough to get it in the car and to some dark skies. If the cloud ever goes away.

Planning a trip to Iceland myself this year to catch the northern lights, fingers crossed.

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Hi Aysee and welcome to the lounge, the beauty of astronomy is the more you scan the sky the more you learn,

and there is a lot to take in, you will definitely learn a lot here in the lounge, people are very helpful, if you get stuck

just ask, someone will have the answer.

Good Luck and Clear Sky's

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Thanks for the warm welcome all. Yeah. already got a slowly expanding library :) Turn Left at Orion, Backyard Astronomer's Guide(awesome read!), A bunch of Sky at Night mags etc, I'm a long-time stellarium user too.

Just need to save up for that weather control sattelite and i'm set :)

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