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Anyone having a go at the Supernova in M65 ??


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We've got time yet. Its still at magnitude 15 or so but should brighten up to about 11 - well within our grasp. Lets just hope it clears or else yet another astro event lost to cloud....

1. Venus Transit - lost

2. Asteroid - lost

3. Comet Pannstars - lost

4. M65 Supernova ?

How long can this keep going on?

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Is it still going to be possible to image this with a dslr and 1000mm scope with the moon at 80%+ sometime this weekend?

Not sure how small and faint objects i'm able to capture with my setup. I know i was baaarly able to capture some mag 15-17 galaxies tigether with my NGC 3718 and 3729 capture,

but i'm guessing they're a Lot larger and easier to capture then a supernova liek this?

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Is it still going to be possible to image this with a dslr and 1000mm scope with the moon at 80%+ sometime this weekend?

Not sure how small and faint objects i'm able to capture with my setup. I know i was baaarly able to capture some mag 15-17 galaxies tigether with my NGC 3718 and 3729 capture,

but i'm guessing they're a Lot larger and easier to capture then a supernova liek this?

You should be able to capture it easily. That picture of NGC3718 (absolutely lovely image, by the way) shows stars down to at least mag 18.

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But won't the supernova be very very thiny in comparison? And the NGC3718 pic was taken on a clear moonless night when i could do over 15 min subs at ISO 400, now i'm limited to maximum 5 min subs. But i will give it a try for sure anyway if the weather lets me. :)

Never taken any pics of M65 yet anyway.

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Yeah, maybe get the supernova to back peddle and blow itself up next year. Inconsiderate ******* or what? :)

I am thinking when the clouds eventualy clear the stars will be out of sight, expanded far away a long time ago

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It's snowing again :( Looks like we're going to continue getting our enjoyment from playing with the gear rather than using it! :D I'm rebuilding half my imaging setup, tidying up etc. Decided imaging is OFF until at least next month :(

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To cloud your day even more, excuse the pun. I read on the bbc weather page today that cold weather is expected for another 3 weeks :sad: . Let's hope that could be 'clear' and cold at the very least.

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If anyone equates freezing temperatures with clear, blue skies again I am coming after you..... This winter has out paid to that theory for good hopefully. Clear blue skies in winter mean cold for sure. But that does not hold the other way round; cold does not mean clear, blue skies!!!!!

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