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Incredible skies. Cant believe I never noticed this before


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Hey all. On hol in yhe Canaries and just walking back after a meal, skies not quite fully dark but I am given skies above most of us in UK would die for. Was looking at the Moon, Jupiter and Aldeboran in neat triangle and it is amazing. Orions belt looks fantastic and I swear i can see where the nebula is. (Probably my enthusiasm taking over though) i have taken several long exposures with my smart cam on a mini stand and hopefully they will do justice to what I am getting here. Plieades is jumping out like never before and the whole sky is a pin cushion of little points of light. Erm, am I overdoing it :-D. Sorry, san miguel and this kinda gets you going, i just wish I had brought bins now.

ATB baz

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Hi luke, staying near puerto del carmen, its a fairish sized place to but I am really amazed by just how dark the skies are. I know Peter from the Todmorden obs comes here and gets amazing views using an SE6 at over 200* and I know what he is getting at now. As soon as I get back to UK I am going to step up my search for a good, local to me, really dark site and also invest in a super new turbo charged cloud clearer ;-)

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I can defo see the Orion Nebula from here on a dark night. Other objects that are naked eye from here (Co.Antrim) from the top of my head are the Andromeda Galaxy, Beehive Cluster, Double Cluster, M35 (Gemini), Pleadies, Sagattarius Star Cloud

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Excellent, you've got me all excited now! Going to Turkey in August and am taking some bins and a tripod - can't wait :smiley: Should see more than with my 6" from the back garden at home!

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Thanks for the replies, I think my feeling I saw Orions Nebula could be based more on enthusiasn. Anyway, I shall try another smart cam extended exposure from a even darker spot later to cut out the very localised lp. See yyou all in a week

Cheers all


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Excellent, you've got me all excited now! Going to Turkey in August and am taking some bins and a tripod - can't wait :smiley: Should see more than with my 6" from the back garden at home!

I go to Turkey and Tenerife every year and find that the sky is routinely much clearer in Marmaris in July than I've ever seen in Tenerife.

I don't think I've ever actually experienced cloudless skies in Tenerife (just came back from there on Saturday and was very poor sky) yet in Marmaris we often go for two weeks without seeing a cloud!

The air is generally very clear but there can be a low level haze sometimes. Just need to get out of the resort for some great views.

But very few holiday destinations beat the sky clarity we can get here in the UK with the right air flow. It's just a shame that we rarely get it :(

On a fairly average night I can easily make out the Orion Nebula unaided from my light polluted back yard. On a good night the rural site where we have a caravan in Cumbria easily beats anything I've experienced in the Canaries and I've spent a lot of time over there!

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Hey all. On hol in yhe Canaries and just walking back after a meal, skies not quite fully dark but I am given skies above most of us in UK would die for. Was looking at the Moon, Jupiter and Aldeboran in neat triangle and it is amazing.

ATB baz

Sorry to be a kill-joy, but saw all of this whist walking the dogs in darkest Cornwall ! :rolleyes:

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