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What's the longest cloudy spell you can remember


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As I stared out the window at yet another day of stratus clouds, wondering if I'm at risk of developing rickets and considering taking up knitting as a hobby; I got to thinking, what's the longest run of cloudy nights you have experienced since taking up stargazing?

I'm feeling hard done by after just a week without seeing the sky, but how bad can it get?


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In answer to the question posed by the topic title my answer is:

"The current one"

I personally don't care to remember anything other than how long I have currently waited for the clouds to clear. If I remembered anything else I'd probably realise the folly and sell up and get a different hobby :)

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Nearly every day since buying my scope last April, the only good thing is my kit is as new condition......getting a little fed up! :mad:

yep we had a very dry spell up till April 2012;

I remember the forecasters in March predicting mega droughts and saying we'd need twice the average rainfall in April to prevent a drought; well we did get twice the average rainfall! and it's been wet and cloudy ever since! and the few clear nights we've had the transparency has been poor :(

It'll clear up eventually! fingers crossed for SGL8

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It's very unfortunate that the big high pressure currently dominating our weather is full of cloud. It's set to stay with us for a while yet and I'm hoping that when it becomes more centred on the UK over the week end it will close off the supply of cloud coming from the east and brighten up or clear up, as is your wont :)

Fingers crossed!!

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Hi DeepThought,

Your miseries are shared by us all. :eek:

While not specifically recording every night of cloud my observing log for last year includes a specific note-

"22.7.2012 Almost a month since clear skies. It’s still rather light until quite late to observe but I thought I would record for posterity that we have had almost incessant rain and cloud since June. At least 3 clear nights are now forecast since the Jet Stream moved back North."

Always make the most of every clear night because it can be ages until the next. I find beer helps the time along. :evil:



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When i first decided to get a telescope i wondered why so many people where selling them on Ebay, most being hardly used, like new, well 4 months down the line i have my answer.

my first love is photography and im seriously thinking of investing all my spare time and money in that.

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Hopefully this weather the last few weeks will put paid to the theory, often mentioned here, that cold winter weather equals blue skies and frosty clear. Does it heck !!

Ha, :D It's a bit like people saying saying how they look forwards to the summer.. :) that is also in the imagination I feel, 1976 has stuck forever in the memory as we do not get sunny summers!

Edit; at best we get 2-3 weeks of decent weather sometime during the Spring and a couple of weeks around the beginning of Autumn. Anything else it seems is just luck of the draw.

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Believe it or not, the longest consecutive period of nights we have had on which you could not have observed in 2013, at least in s Wales, is only 8 days and we're on day six today so expecting a break in the clouds any time.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

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my first love is photography and im seriously thinking of investing all my spare time and money in that.

Well I'm not quite ready to knock it on the head just yet, but I'm certainly giving careful thought to any additional kit for the time being.

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Up until a month ago I never looked at the clouds. Now I'm forever poking my head out the back door in anticipation. I am also starting to develop a degree of antipathy towards the BBC Weather website which has consistently predicted partly cloudy skies over the last week in Derbyshire then changed its mind to cloudy at the last minute.

However, it is now saying tonight is going to be clear. The telescope is already in the garage and I know what I'm going to look at.

I hope I haven't given tonight the commentators curse!

Clear skies


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