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Does this mirror need to be cleaned?

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I'm looking for opinions if people think the mirror pictured here is in such a state that it needs to be cleaned. I aware that cleaning a mirror should be a last resort but Im just not aware what the condition needs to be before it would have to be done. Thanks in advance.


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Difficult to make out but it almost looks as if a resilver could be on the cards.

Is that corrosion on the "far" side ?

Not cleaning is one view but if anything is chewing it's way into the coating then cleaning earlier is a lot less expensive.

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Its a very subjective opinion but from the photo you've uploaded I'd say yes. There's very poor reflections of the window frame.

but they do have to be pretty filthy to need cleaning, as you've already got it out I'd go for it, just you tube the tutorials and take your time :D

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I would have thought that was ok, but as Knobby has said, you've done the hard part, taking it out, so I'd go ahead and clean it now, is that a 12" or something? Looks big enough, probably a bit of a handful so be careful. Good luck.


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Yeah, myfeeling was that it would need to be cleaned so think I will go ahead with that while it is out. The mirror is 8.75". I think it is just the angle the light is hitting it on the far side that gives it that blue colour that looks like it might be corrosion.

I have already had a quick look at how to clean them and have read that the final rinse should be with distilled or deionized water. Is there any differce between these?

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I guess I have nothing to loose with going for the clean then. Can anyone advise on distilled or deionized water. Some of the guides I have seen say one, some say the other for rinsing. Is there any difference?

"Deionised water, also known as demineralized water, is water that has had its mineral ions removed, such as cations like sodium, calcium, iron, and copper, and anions such as chloride and sulfate."

"Distilled water is water that has many of its impurities removed through distillation. Distillation involves boiling the water and then condensing the steam into a clean container."


HTH :)

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Job done and I'm happy (and relieved!) with the results.


A rinse with tap water followed by soaking in soapy water for 10/15 minutes. Minimal use of cotton wool on the worst area followed by a rinse with tap then deionised water. Just the soaking in the soapy water did most of the cleaning. Safely back in the scope and ready to go. Scope could probably do with a touch up as well!


Thanks for all the advice and opinions.

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great job. cleaning mirrors is pretty simple really, you just need kid gloves and you did well. I like the scope - very unique. I bet it's solid too.

I generally clean mirrors only before selling (not that I sell much these days) as people like a shiny mirror but I doubt' you'll see any difference, unless you observe the Emperor's new clothes :grin:

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