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My new Celestron 925 XLT SCT has arrived !!


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Hi all,

I am one very very happy bunny right now - this afternoon I have taken delivery of my dream scope - Celestron 925 XLT SCT. :hello2:

Having also just bought the NEQ6 earlier this month, I genuinely hadn't planned on buying the 925 for another couple of months at least. But thanks to the good folks at FLO and their fantastic sale price, it was too good an opportunity to pass up. Ordered late Friday afternoon, arrived today, very speedy and efficient from FLO, as always.

The package was double-boxed, both Celestron packaging. Opening up the boxes shows good polystyrene packaging at each end of the scope, though nothing down the sides in the middle. Which did give me a moment's concern as there was a puncture hole in the side that went through both boxes (I have no doubt it didn't leave FLO like this, but the damage occurred in transit). The scope though was also wrapped in thin paper and then a polythene bag, neither of which showed any sign of being disturbed. The scope itself showed no sign of damage so luckily whatever went through the side didn't go in as far as the OTA. Makes me wonder if couriers understand what the word "FRAGILE" means?!

In any case, panic over, scope unpacked from box and all OK. The black livery makes it look really professional and sleek, it's a very beautiful looking scope. It is also surprisingly light for its size. The handle on one end is a nice touch as well, as it makes lifting it really easy.

Took the scope cap off and had a peer down to the mirror - looks perfect, no blemishes, and nothing on the corrector plate either. I also like that the scope cap twist-locks into place - my 6SE cap doesn't do this and now has a tendency to drop off when it's facing downwards - I've had to put some velcro fastenings on the sides to keep it in place.

No idea of the quality of the finderscope yet, but it was fitted quite easily, the base/rings where already attached to the scope so I just had to slide the finderscope in place and tighten the adjustment screws. I'll have to do the alignment another time. In any case, I'd also ordered a Rigel QuikFinder with the scope, which is what I plan to use for alignment. Possibly I won't even use the finderscope, but I've left it attached for now.

Also on the scope now is my William Optics 2" dialectic diagonal, which I've moved across from the 6SE. In retrospect, it was possibly an unnecessary upgrade for the 6SE, but it definitely looks the part on the 925. I also plan to upgrade the focuser at some point, but that will have to wait until I have the funds.

So all in all, I have to say I am very happy. Obviously haven't given it first light yet (because of course it's pouring with rain tonight), but first impressions of the scope are certainly very favourable. Just can't wait to get out there and use it.

Have uploaded a few unboxing piccies - last one shows the scope next to it's little brother, my lovely 6SE.

Matsey :)




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Well, a hearty congratulations a wonderful scope you have there and by the looks of your signture you have some nice lenses in the Naglers :-)

now all we need is some good weather round this way but you know what happens when you buy a new scope DOH

all the best


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so i can thank you for the clouds for the next week?

lol yes, sorry about that - and they were only just starting to clear from the NEQ6 purchase. I offer my heartfelt apologies !! ;) (and if it makes you feel better, I'm suffering right along with you.... :) )

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Hi matsey,

Do hope you enjoy the SCT it's a good telescope. I've found it useful to have a red light led and an right angled finder fitted. I recently 'upgraded' the original focuser (the 'weak point' of the 'scope) with a Starlight Instruments Feather Touch microfocuser-marvellous!

Anyway hope you get some views through your new acquisition soon.

Best wishes,


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Good call matsey. You have some very nice looking hardware there. I just took delivery of a Baader Skysurfer V rdf finder for my 9.25 today from FLO. I prefer the rdf's to the standard telescopic finders. It certainly looks the bizz.

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Hi Matsay. Congratulations, it's a great telescope.

Hi matsey,

Do hope you enjoy the SCT it's a good telescope. I've found it useful to have a red light led and an right angled finder fitted. I recently 'upgraded' the original focuser (the 'weak point' of the 'scope) with a Starlight Instruments Feather Touch microfocuser-marvellous!

Anyway hope you get some views through your new acquisition soon.

Best wishes,


A question to Steve about the focuser, is it difficult to install?

I've been think about replacing the focuser or installing a Crayford typ focuser. Dont know which is best.

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Thanks all :) Don't want to jinx it, but might get a bit of clear sky tomorrow night for first light.. if I'm very lucky and the weather gods don't catch onto my plan that is ;)

An observatory next then eh?

I wish! Before that it'll have to be a new house and a bigger garden ! Really had best start saving ;)

I've found it useful to have a red light led and an right angled finder fitted. I recently 'upgraded' the original focuser (the 'weak point' of the 'scope) with a Starlight Instruments Feather Touch microfocuser-marvellous!

Useful to hear what upgrades others with a 925 have made, thanks. I've already upgrade the finder to the Rigel QuikFinder, quite possibly I won't even use the finderscope that came with it. Same question though as Mark re the focuser - would be interested to know how easy it is to install too? An upgraded focuser is most definitely on my to do list - I can make do for now with what's there for visual work, but definitely when I start getting into imaging more seriously, I'll want a better focuser for sure.

Looks very nice on the NEQ6. I like the handle being there. I grip it with an ultra firm grip whenever I put my C9.25 on the mount (or off). Then only when I am double sure that it is seated properly do I slowly let go.

Yes, that handle does come in handy (excuse the pun!). I actually found a really easy way to get the OTA on the mount from a youtube video. The basic idea is to aim the mount so that it is parallel to the ground, with the saddle (is that the right word?) running vertical to the ground, roughly at waist height. You then put a stool up against the mount, put the scope vertically down on the stool and kind of push the dovetail part forward until it meets the saddle. You can then secure it in place, holding it steady with one hand but having the stool take the weight of the OTA. Even though the 925 is light compared to other larger OTAs, I still don't think I'd manage to keep it held in one hand while attaching it with the other, not just because of the weight but the size too. This way it works really well and there's no worry of dropping it. Wish I could find the video link now, I'll have a search again tomorrow and post up the link. (And apologies if everybody knows that method anyway, but it was news to me and a real life saver :) )

Good call matsey. You have some very nice looking hardware there. I just took delivery of a Baader Skysurfer V rdf finder for my 9.25 today from FLO. I prefer the rdf's to the standard telescopic finders. It certainly looks the bizz.

Thanks, and yes, completely agree about the rdf's. I've always really like the one on my 6SE and, even though I've never used a proper finder really, much prefer the idea of the red dot finder method - hence the Rigel QuikFinder upgrade. Kind of think when you have a goto mount, an rdf is more than good enough to get the alignment done, as there isn't really to have something magnified for star hopping.

Matsey :)

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Thank you - I am checking the weather report constantly today, really am desperate to get out there tonight !

By the way... if anyone is interested, I found the video link I referred to in my last post about an easy way to attach a large OTA to an EQ mount (and apologies in advance for the video title ;) ).

Here it is:

Matsey :)

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Thank you - I am checking the weather report constantly today, really am desperate to get out there tonight !

By the way... if anyone is interested, I found the video link I referred to in my last post about an easy way to attach a large OTA to an EQ mount (and apologies in advance for the video title ;) ).


Matsey :)

That guy is my hero :D:eek:

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The video does show a neat solution to handling the large scope. Luckily for me the C9.25 is small enough for me the leave the eq mount in its parked position and slide the scope into the mounting bar. What I do though is park it in a custom position where the ota is horizontal as opposed to pointing at Polaris.

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I added one of the astro developments losmandy dovetail safety clamps (see their ebay store) after a post by m.tweedy :cool: Once fixed in place, it doesn't budge and it makes it so much easier to mount the ota on the puck in a pre-balanced position :)

I also found that extending the legs on the tripod actually made it easier for me to lift the ota into the required position - almost eliminated the bending that injured me the first time around :eek:

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  • 2 months later...

Same route as you Matsey, Nexstar 6SE to 9.25 and EQ6; I pick the latter up next weekend, can't wait. I also have the same thoughts re focusser etc. I still intend to keep the 6SE though, it is so simple to set up for those quikies when the clouds are rolling in!!

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Same route as you Matsey, Nexstar 6SE to 9.25 and EQ6; I pick the latter up next weekend, can't wait. I also have the same thoughts re focusser etc. I still intend to keep the 6SE though, it is so simple to set up for those quikies when the clouds are rolling in!!

Very good choice, I'm sure you'll love it ! And yes, I do still use the 6SE and have no intention of getting rid of it, it's an excellent all rounder and perfect for taking to star parties or where you just want a quick set up. The 925 is pretty spectacular though, I've had some jaw dropping views through it, sure you will too when it arrives :)

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The C9.25 is the OTA that most people either own or aspire to own. Light grasp is great, but with a tube that is relatively easy to handle. I could have gone for something bigger, but it would have been very hard setting it up with the weight of it. There would have been the risk of dropping it, so I am glad I went down the route of the 9.25.

I have recently bought a Williams Optics "2 Dielectric diagonal and also A Baader "2 quicklock (although you can get a 1.25 in both). A couple of months ago while observing the little knurled screw that holds the diagonal onto the visual back worked loose and the diagonal and my brand new Hyperion 17mm fell to the ground. Luckily it was onto soft grass and there was no damage. That is why I did some research and ended up with the Baader quicklock. It has a very clever locking mechanism which virtually eliminates the possibility of it falling out. With the new diagonal and quicklock I have bought a Hyperion Aspheric 36mm. It comes with a 1.25 adapter, but the reason I got it was to use it in 2" form. I though that I may as well get the most out of the C9.25 by going 2" and make sure that it has an unrestricted lightpath. Just need some clear skies to try it all out. I am very hopeful of some excellent views.

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