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Hello - just bought a new scope for our Son


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Just bought a new Sky-Watcher 130p with Go-To as a birthday present for our son (we are also interested in stargazing so why not get one :))

Got it all setup and seem to have a fair understanding of the theory of the scope so far. Seem to have mastered the Go-To controller and even managed to get it connected to my laptop running Stellarium and can click on an object and the scope tracks to the location. The only trouble so far is no clear sky since we bought the scope so can't say really how well it all works.

Due to budget we were torn between a 150P without all the extras or the 130P with the extras. We decided to compromose on power a little as all the computer guidance etc should make it easier to use for not only finding objects but also keeping them in view. Everyone we spoke to said if it is too difficult to use it won't get used- especially for younger users.

Will see how it all goes when we get a clear sky - can't wait :)

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Welcome to SGL

Sounds like a very practical choice. As the, err, keeper of two children whose attention spans regularly make the Planck time look indecently long I can quite understand opting for the GOTO :)


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Hi and welcome to SGL. Seems like you made the right choice with GOTO, once you have it working the advantage is that it helps with the old attention span, as opposed to searching everything out manually, which can be very handy for kids. The 130 is a good scope choice!

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Welcome......you will of course have a great time both gazing and learning at the same time!'. it does appear that there is a correlation between New scopes being purchased and an increase in cloud cover...must work out the equation :grin:

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Hi and welcome to the forum. Great choice of set up and will be exciting for your son to use too. If you want to start hop manually, you can of course move the scope using the controllers but I think you have made a wise choice as there isn't a huge difference between the two apertures (...would be different if non GOTO was 10" and above :grin:)

Here wishing you clear skies soon and hope that you (+son) enjoy the forum too.


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