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Horse, the first 16 hours.


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No dark time for luminance for a while, now, till the moon goes - so here's where Yves and I are thus far. We do have 2 hours' L but it's no good trying to use it till we have a lot more.

3.25 hours per colour and 6.5 hours in Ha.



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Thanks guys,

This is with Yves' ODK and SXVH36. It's a considerable crop, partly because this is the interesting bit and partly because the big scope is rattling with reflections around these monster stars. I've seen a few large aperture imagers suffering the same thing on the net so we're not alone.

The 11 meg is still at the sorting out stage as yet.


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Great details there Olly....as has been mentioned, most of the fine detail isn't normally seen.

I might give this a go next season with my RC....it's a truss tube scope so shouldn't suffer from reflections.


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Great details there Olly....as has been mentioned, most of the fine detail isn't normally seen.

I might give this a go next season with my RC....it's a truss tube scope so shouldn't suffer from reflections.


Hmmm, it will be interesting to find out. I think some of the issues concern unwanted reflections between primary and secondary. Our optical engineer friend spotted the potential for internal reflections as sson as he looked down the focuser of this scope and suggested a baffle which did indeed have an excellent effect. I don't know where they come from but this image from a 10 inch ARCOS looks very like ours. http://www.astrosurf.com/antilhue/ic434rc.htm I really don't know where the reflections are generated. It would be nice to know!


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Oooohh..... some reflections.

I suffered from the dreaded ghost iris - clearly a mirror to mirror problem, but only when reduced, and it's what made me chuck the reducer back in the box.

I'm clueless on it, but there is a Mag 3.73 star with a few tightly grouped friends at the potential merging point of those beams. Then again not a trace of Alnitak.

I'm set on a truss next, but am under no illusion it will be problem free.


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Yes, the source stars are clearly the little group above the Horse but I'm not sure that this has much to do with reflections in the tube itself. It can be mirror to mirror or refections generated between reducer, chip window and filters though I, too, am clueless as to where the problem lies.


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You can't see the reflections in the crop, but we have 2 types,

one is "normal" and comes from the group above the head.

The other reflection which forces this crop is more of a pain, we have it almost in every image ...

though not as severe as in this one. (we had a similar one which was cured with a mini baffel on the corrector)


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On the reflection front, I know that many planetary imagers are now putting flocking in their tubes down near the mirror, to add contrast into the data, which is not quite what you're looking for but it might make a difference. Of course you have to remove the front plate glass and secondary to make the change. Would yourself and Yves be up for trying that?


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On the reflection front, I know that many planetary imagers are now putting flocking in their tubes down near the mirror, to add contrast into the data, which is not quite what you're looking for but it might make a difference. Of course you have to remove the front plate glass and secondary to make the change. Would yourself and Yves be up for trying that?


It's an open tube on the ODK14. I guess it's something to think about, maybe when Mr R is here to supervise!! It may also be from the corrector or reflections created between the corrector and the filters/chip window/chip.


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