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Is it ever going to clear?


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Judging by the evening news last night, and several other recent news items, not only is the weather set to continue like this for years, but soon there will be so many people here in the UK that we'll be able to get electricity from our solar panels at night (LP).....


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I'm getting a bit annoyed now with it all. The last 3-4 weeks have been absolutely ridiculous.

The only few clear spells haven't been forecast as being clear, so I have made plans to go out and then come home from a night out with neither the inclination or the mental clarity to set up! The nights it has been forecast clear I have set up only for it not to be clear and so on ad infinitum...

I have a new camera to test. plus a new set up to test with that and my older camera, and since having it I have not once had more than half an hour. It's really testing my patience :(

I must be the only person on here who has seen distant galaxies for the last year and am yet to see M42 with my scope! (seen it through my bino's at 6 in the morning though). I kid you not. There has always been something in the way blocking it until the last 4 weeks when I have had cloud!

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/ rant begins

I feel your pain euphony! Its been diabolical in Nottingham in what is prime observing season. It is true we get half an hour here and there but you need to live next to the window to spot those periods of clear sky and then it always clouds over again: A, after you set up. B. after 20 mins or so anyway. And rain is always threatening.

I was making some good progress in my AP work as a beginner. I'll be back at square one now almost :( I likewise have new astro toys to check out from wife for xmas. Have yet to be used! So I am really getting really tired of it now.

Without doubt the worse winter period I can remember in 35 years of being involved in this pursuit. Have not had scope out properly even for visual for sustained period since 8 December and imaging rig since 3 Dec. Dear me. Looks like bins will be the order of the day n future so you can quickly run out and dodge rain and make most of ten minute clear spells.

/rant ends :)

Rgds, Steve

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However, as of this minute the BBC forecast claims it will be clear from 5pm tonight until 8pm tonight.

Let's see what actually happens! :p

5 til 8. Right, so right up until my kids are in bed it will be clear. When they go to bed at 8 it will cloud over....... :(

Fingers crossed though it may be clear.

I said in another post I can no longer justify spending any more on astro gear. The stuff I already have just sits in the spare room night after night never being used, never mind buying more. Need to see longer term weather trends. Perhaps this last year has been a one off.....

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Absolutely, I managed an hour tonight before the clouds rolled in. The time before that i had my eye to the lens was the beginning of December... nothing but clouds and rain since...

I thought there were meant to be at least a couple of those clear crisp nights in the Winter?

Fingers crossed!

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I was amazed to find that it cleared from 5:30 until about 9pm here. Although I was plagued with bad luck. Despite my scope having the correct anti-cord wrap setting on, it still managed to defy that and wrap the cord round the legs 5 times, yes 5 times! So I had to re-align constantly. Mixed between that and the fact that my new laptop suddenly decided to switch itself off a few times for no apparent reason means I spent more time fiddling, aligning, booting up said laptop than testing the cameras. I eventually gave up with the cameras and decided to do visual which was also doomed as next doors security light that has not gone off once all summer when viewing, kept coming on constantly.

I grumpily decided to call it a night and sit in front of the TV instead, especially as I noticed a thin layer of cloud approaching. Which of course cleared the second I had packed everything away. I think I complained a bit to my wife. Maybe a bit to much, as she threatened to take the telescope off me :p

Ahhh, the joys of astronomy :lol:

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It's getting on my nerves now. Not had a full clear night since beginning of December. Last proper session I remember was 23rd November (roughly) when Ganymede was in transit over Jupiter! (what a sight)

Hurry, hurry, hurry!!!!! Ha


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