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M45 with Levy mak-newt


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I feel accomplished I was able to get an image through all the filter before it hit the flip just before midnight. This is about the only reason I like daylight saving time adjustment. Doesn't seem 3min is long enough for the wispy details, I might have to do another night with the Lum filter at longer subs and try to blend it in. Stacked in DSS, PP was in Nebulosity 2. I didn't get to chance to layer it up in photoshop yet. This was done with 60& moon up.


M45 LRGB v.01 color check by jsigone, on Flickr

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Did some trail and error on the stacking (newb to LRGB). I blended the Blue and Lum files together, then added that as the blue channel in the RGB stack. Then took the file into photoshop, blended the Lum file as Luminosity mode. After more detailing I found the wispy background.....YAY I'm happy 3min subs was enough!! Merope has a touch of purple but can't seem to get rid of it without effecting the color tone of the entire image so I'll leave it be.


M45 L-RG(LB) blend by jsigone, on Flickr

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