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Volunteers wanted for Dark Sky event at Garwnant


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I am looking for Volunteers for a Dark Sky event run by the Dark Sky Society Wales for an event at the Foresty Commision Center at Garwnant.

It clashes with our planned meeting on the 17th November, but I feel we should be supporting groups like this to get the skys darker.

So, details

Forestry Commission Center Garnwant......................Google 51.807832,-3.447325 Green Arrow

signposted of the A470 5 miles north of Merthyer.

Time: setting up from 17:30

The event begins from 18:30

Date : 17th November 2012.

You must be prepared to allow strangers to use your scopes under supervision, and explain a bit about what they are looking at etc etc.

I would hope we can make a big effort for this guys



PS. can we keep this blog just for registering your intent to attend please.

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The skies should be good and dark Ant, but I would imagin it will all be over by about 8pm. certainly no later than 9pm.

Not sure of the format yet, but the Darkskies Wales people have a mobile Planaterium where they give a lecture first, then people view the sky after that.

That kicks off at 6:30pm so I would hope you can arrive not to late after that.


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Hi Pat,

What a good way to let folks know about the South Wales Group, and promote Astronomy.

I'll try my best to be there, won't know for sure till next week.

Was looking at Garwnant on Google Earth, seems like a nice place; with large paved parking areas to set up. There appears to be high trees all around, which may limit some horizons. Anyway, I'm looking forward to the event, seeing a new venue, and meeting others interested in Observing.

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That's on the site of the old Taff Merthyr and trelewis drift collieries dean I think, pretty high sided valley not far from bedlinog I've worked in both years ago. On a completely selfish note bit disappointed the blaenavon meet won't go ahead as would have been m first this year, but its furthering astronomy and a good cause so well done to all those attending, not sure at this stage whether I'll be there at the moment. Both Taff and garw nant are the valleys/cardiff side of the beacons so not sure quite how dark either will be but will be interested to find out for sure.

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From information I have found on the net. the format for the evening should be something like this.

Arrive between 17:30- 18:30 and set up scopes.

There are 3 presentaions inside the mobile Planiturium with the first at 18:30. then at 19:15 and 20:00

So it looks like a rolling presentaion with visitors using the scopes after the presentations.

It should finish at about 21:30.

All will be subject to the weather .................................So I will post on here by 15:00 with weather forecast.


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Sorry Pat not a hijack just a tip for attendees who intend to set up scope on the night ,

"GET THERE EARLY" or the public take all the parking spaces and you can not get close to the observing site and it a long way to carry your equipment. there is an access road to the buildings that could be used but i doubt you be allowed to leave your cars on that part of the road not sure though. if you have to park in the car park it is uphill when carrying the kip back to car. PS take a cover to throw over the scope, Just in case it rain and you are away from the car for quick loading. sorry done so many of these things now i come across most of the pitfalls.

if you can take a set of steps that helps two folds preferably ones with a high hand rail at top of the steps.

1. The user can get to the eyepiece, at event like this they are not as tall as us

2. high and rails on the steps help to stop the kids swinging from the eyepiece as it is the first thing they catch hold of when the get there and move the scope. as the kids climb the steps tell them "two hand on the top" to steady themselves

other than that enjoy yourselves

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Unfortunatly I am not going to be able to make this meeting now.

So I suggest we make a effort to visit one of their other meetings in the future.

If you still want to go then please do as I am sure it will be an intresting evening.

If I am feeling better I will try and make Blaenavon.

Sorry to all those who volunteered and thanks for the commitment


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Had a look on Google Earth at the site again. Looks like the average distance from the parking lot to the Visitor Centre is about 150 yards. I don't have a cart to tote equipment and I'm not as young as I'd like to think, so if there's a lot of carying distance involved, I will head up to see you all at Blaenavon; however, I'll have to make that call after I get to Garwnant.

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