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Man on the Moon

Fordos Moon

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Sorry to bore y'all. Newcomer to the site, will think twice next time.

i wouldnt feel bad my man, there was nowt wrong with asking for advice on how to convince someone of something topically related to these forums. there are web sites that will cover all questions and answers relating to the moon landing theory.
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Man left mirrors on the Lunar surface...

That would not be possible if humans never went to the moon.

Well that's not *quite* true. It might have been possible for an unmanned lander to be used for this purpose... and since we can't see the mirrors (not even with an 8" scope, a dark site, and averted vision) it *could* have been done without landing a man on the moon.

But it wasn't. They really went. And it was an awesome achievement. Buy your other half a copy of Bad Astronomy and point her at the chapter on the Moon landings. The absolute best argument in the book is the same one that Rustmonkey makes; if the Russians had any shed of doubt... the merest whimsy of an inkling that the Americans didn't do it, they would have been all over it like you wouldn't believe...

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the Moon is moving away from Earth (its moving out of earths gravitational pull).

I seem to be disagreeing with Luke a lot lately (nothing personal buddy!) but I don't think this is quite correct either. As I understand it, the Earth's rotation is slowing because of the tidal forces between the Earth and the moon which are acting as a brake. The same tidal forces are responsible for "locking" the moon's rotation to that of the Earth and so as the Earth's rotation slows, so does the moon's and conservation of angular momentum means that it moves further away; of course the further it moves away, the less it's influenced by the Earth's gravity so perhaps I'm not disagreeing with Luke after all...

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Well that's not *quite* true. It might have been possible for an unmanned lander to be used for this purpose... and since we can't see the mirrors (not even with an 8" scope, a dark site, and averted vision) it *could* have been done without landing a man on the moon.

I can't argue with that.

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Sorry to bore y'all. Newcomer to the site, will think twice next time.

its a perfectly reasoned question, so its not a problem or a bother , i wondered if man had landed on the moon as well and it was only because of the mirror /laser reflection that proved that something man made was there made me believe it . also the point that the russians would have used it to to their advantage if it had been faked was also a very good point by rust monkey
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its a perfectly reasoned question, so its not a problem or a bother , i wondered if man had landed on the moon as well and it was only because of the mirror /laser reflection that proved that something man made was there made me believe it . also the point that the russians would have used it to to their advantage if it had been faked was also a very good point by rust monkey

1969 was the height of the "cold war" and also the "space race".

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Something that I still find quite amazing - and I have no doubt at all that it DID happen, I'm just still not sure HOW it happened - is how they got the lunar rover there. I am lucky enough to have been to the National Air and Space Museum in Dulles and when you see the rover... well that thing is quite big compared to the size of the LEM. OK so it was in parts and stored somehow (where? in some storage bins apparently - really?) and it can't have been easy to assemble it in those bulky space suits...

I'm working through "How Apollo Flew to the Moon" by W David Woods but I haven't got to the rover bit yet! Very good book though!

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The moon landings happened, for sure.

But the Curiosity Rover is a hoax. A one tonne intelligent nuclear powered robot with a laser gun lowered on string from a platform hovering on thusters above the Martian surface? Pull the other one... :grin:

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My arguement would be this!!!

the USA were in a space race with Russia. Do you think for a second that the Russians were not watching very closely what was happening and would have immediately cried foul had the whole thing been a hoax?????

Well said Rustmonkey. That fact is proof enough for most. Even without the laser mirriors and the large amount of samples returned which would have taken a JCB to collect if not done by hand.


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Something that I still find quite amazing - and I have no doubt at all that it DID happen, I'm just still not sure HOW it happened - is how they got the lunar rover there. I am lucky enough to have been to the National Air and Space Museum in Dulles and when you see the rover... well that thing is quite big compared to the size of the LEM. OK so it was in parts and stored somehow (where? in some storage bins apparently - really?) and it can't have been easy to assemble it in those bulky space suits...

I'm working through "How Apollo Flew to the Moon" by W David Woods but I haven't got to the rover bit yet! Very good book though!

Couldn't help myself, came back saw this and googled-first page I opened http://www.collectspace.com/ubb/Forum29/HTML/000731.html

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I can understand how difficult it can be to get through to these people as I have a very good friend who belives it was all a hoax with shadows the wrong way and wind moving the flag blah blah blah. Nowadays they can actually picture the Lunar surface where the landings took place and you can see for yourself the tracks left by the Lunar Rover and the part of the space craft that gets left behind. Why on earth people still think it was a hoax I will never know. As said the Russians tracked that signal all the way to the Lunar surface and knew exactly where the sound and film footage was being broadcast from. If they still dont believe then you cant help them I'm affraid.

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I seem to be disagreeing with Luke a lot lately (nothing personal buddy!) but I don't think this is quite correct either. As I understand it, the Earth's rotation is slowing because of the tidal forces between the Earth and the moon which are acting as a brake. The same tidal forces are responsible for "locking" the moon's rotation to that of the Earth and so as the Earth's rotation slows, so does the moon's and conservation of angular momentum means that it moves further away; of course the further it moves away, the less it's influenced by the Earth's gravity so perhaps I'm not disagreeing with Luke after all...

Ill still send you a christmas card.


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Fordos, did the pictures of the lunar landing sites I posted early on not make any impact with your OH? I guess they could still be faked, but it all seems pretty pointless. Anyway, I'm sure the Chinese will go there soon and will find the evidence.

There is other evidence to points very strongly to them at least heading out too the moon - I believe people witnessed the trans lunar injection 'burn' over Hawaii which put them into the right trajectory to get there.

All the hoax arguments about the photos have been proved false many many times over so can be disregarded.


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If you 'd like to learn more about the Apollo Missions there's a wealth of XLNT books out there written by those who were directly involved in the process and....if you'd like to know more ( you will freak at some of the technical specs !!!) about the craft itself then I can only point you in the direction of HANES "Apollo 11 Manual: An Insight into the Hardware from the First Manned Mission to Land on the Moon " when you read about the memory cores of the computers, how big they were and especially how they were made,I can guarantee your jaw dropping. Great xmas stocking filler and conversation piece too :)

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Its not for you to prove that the landings happened. After all, there are thousands of publicly available sources of information documenting the Apollo program. it was probably one of the best documented programs ever.

It is up to the hoax-believer to prove their claims. And not one of those claims have ever been proved correct. The vast majority of hoax-believers, in my experience, have incredibly poor knowledge and incredibly "woolly" thinking. Most of the hoax claims are the same old rubbish that has been trotted out for years, and all of which are nonsensical (no stars, no blast crater, computer not powerful enough, van Allan belts, yadda, yadda, yadda).

Most of these nonsensical claims originated with the likes of Bart Sibrel, Bill Kaysing and Ralph Rene, both of whom made plenty of money from the susceptible and easily-lead by peddling this rubbish. There's plenty of YouTube "experts" that continue to trot this garbage out (Jarrah White is one of the more vocal ones, and he seems to be a pretty nasty piece of work TBH)

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