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Man on the Moon

Fordos Moon

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@ the OP: If you other half is anyway near serious, then get her to wander over to ApolloHoax.net and post her ideas up. She will get a full and frank analysis from the guys and gals over there, many of whom work in spacecraft design and engineering.

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My niece doesn't believe anyone has ever been into space, When she was about 16 I gave her an expensive hard back book full of wonderful solar system pictures and lots of info but she threw it away in total disbelief.

I hate to think what goes through some peoples minds as they go through life. The world must appear so ummmmm, well I dunno to be honest :confused:

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Yes Stu, many thanks for the response. Me and the other half have great conversations playing devils advocate and I needed the backup this time! She is now more convinced!


Here's a few of the top of my head.

380Kgs of Lunar rocks (no they can't have been returned by robot. The Russians tried this and returned 300g of dust).

Saturn V launches- over a million people viewed the Apollo 11 launch (Saturn V launches were visible from over 500 miles away and the launch vibrations were measured all over the world on seismographs)

Multiple independent sources of tracking information (including data from Jodrell Bank and amateur astronomers, some of whom visually saw the boosters dumping fuel in cisLunar space)

The Lunar reflectors.

Over 400,000 people involved directly and indirectly, not one of whom has ever said that the program was false.

Literally millions of pieces of documentation that explain in minute detail how every element of the program worked. These are hosted on the NASA Technical Resource severs and are freely available

Hundreds of photographs all publicly available from a variety of indexed sources. Not one of those images have ever shown evidence of doctoring.

Analysis of Earth's cloud patterns. Images from the Apollo program have been matched to the weather stats and the cloud patterns have matched perfectly.

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But for what it's worth, it'll be hard to convince someone who's determined not be convinced.


If someone wishes to be wilfully ignorant then there's very little that you can (or indeed should) say. Best to leave them alone to wallow in their own ignorance. For every one of those there are probably tens of others that want to learn.

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"Yes Stu, many thanks for the response. Me and the other half have great conversations playing devils advocate and I needed the backup this time! She is now more convinced!"

Come on chaps, this is the OP's other half and it seems they were having a quite understandable debate where she was playing devil's advocate and seems to have been convinced by the arguments.


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Instead of starting a whole new thread for this question, and it being related to this thread. Could anyone recommend a good book on the Apollo missions or the moon landings, preferably no conspiracy theory books please. Thank you. :D

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

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It's darned risky and very expensive perhaps are two reasons. The political drive is no longer there either so that's another. Lets not get into the latter though - forum rules and all that :smiley:

It difficult to talk about the Apollo moon program without a little bit of politics, after all it was a product of the Cold War. However, I will try to keep it to the absolute minimum.

The political drive is not there yet. If the Chinese moon program really proceed as scheduled then in 10 years time I doubt the US public (and possibly Russian) will allow their government to do nothing. The Chinese won't stop because they are having a mini space race with India at the moment.

Incidentally, if Apollo didn't land on the moon, USSR (Russia) would have pump much more money into their manned moon program and won't have cancelled it.

To be honest, with today's technology it shouldn't be too hard to send people back to the moon. It will be expensive, but probably not Apollo expensive. After all many of the technology already exists and some (such as communication and guidance system) are used for probes, and others (such as life support) are used in ISS.

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Instead of starting a whole new thread for this question, and it being related to this thread. Could anyone recommend a good book on the Apollo missions or the moon landings, preferably no conspiracy theory books please. Thank you. :D

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"Moon Dust" Andrew Smith

"The Man Who Ran The Moon" Piers Bizony

" A Man on the Moon " Andrew Chaikin

"Apollo 13" Jim Lovell & Jeffrey Kluger ( basis for the film)

"Carrying the Fire- An Astronaut's Journey" Michael Collins

"First Man: The Life of Neil Armstrong" Neil Hansen ( only official biography)

.should keep you going ;)

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My niece doesn't believe anyone has ever been into space, When she was about 16 I gave her an expensive hard back book full of wonderful solar system pictures and lots of info but she threw it away in total disbelief.

That's even more disconcerting than the moon hoax conspiracy mob. Does she offer any reason for that disbelief?

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This is one of the best to give a good overview of the technologies:


Also, very very good:


If you want to explore the development of the Apollo Guidance Computer and the early development of Fly-By-Wire and man/machine integration, then Digital Apollo is good:


Of course, there is a wealth of freely available material online. The Apollo Lunar Surface Journal is THE place to go:


It's companion, the Apollo Flight Journal covers off 8 of the flight transcripts.


Access to the images from the various in-flight camera magazines, as well as external imagery can be found at the Project Apollo Image Gallery:


If you get through that little lot, then the ALSJ bibliography should keep you going for couple of years:


If you want to get right into the technical details on the Apollo (or other) programs(s), then the NASA Technical Reports Server is a veritable minefield of information:


And the Project Apollo Technical Drawings can be found here:


That should keep you busy for a bit!

And finally, if you want to explore the wonderful world of how hoax-believers act and get answered, then the Apollohoax forum is a phenomenal resource:


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My niece doesn't believe anyone has ever been into space, When she was about 16 I gave her an expensive hard back book full of wonderful solar system pictures and lots of info but she threw it away in total disbelief.

I hate to think what goes through some peoples minds as they go through life. The world must appear so ummmmm, well I dunno to be honest :confused:

Have you showed her the ISS?

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"Moon Dust" Andrew Smith

"The Man Who Ran The Moon" Piers Bizony

" A Man on the Moon " Andrew Chaikin

"Apollo 13" Jim Lovell & Jeffrey Kluger ( basis for the film)

"Carrying the Fire- An Astronaut's Journey" Michael Collins

"First Man: The Life of Neil Armstrong" Neil Hansen ( only official biography)

.should keep you going ;)

Thanks they'll do just nicely :D

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

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