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hello everbody,

Recently I've become interested in astronomy so have been visiting this site for around a month now and finally decided to sign up. I started out by buying the third edition of the backyard astronomers guide and after that i purchased a pair of 15x70 celestron skywatcher binoculars. once my stepdad who is also interested in astronomy saw these he decided he wanted them and bought them off me for full price and i upgraded to a pair of 20x80 celestrons. since then i have also bought a planisphere and the book stargazing with binoculars by robin scagell and David frydman. I haven't had any clear nights since i upgraded to the bigger binoculars but hopefully they should be good enough. Anyway this was only supposed to be a quick introduction so I'll stop rambling on.

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Hi and welcome to the forum. As you and your dad are embarking on your astronomy journey together, you both might be interested in the following sites:

'The Binocular Sky' which you can view here.

TUBA (Touring the Universe through Binoculars Atlas) which you can view here

Binocular Certificate Handbook (Irish Federation of Astronomical Societies) with a good list of objects to see here

Binocular Messier Program (Astronomical League U.S) which list objects suitable for different size of binos which you can view here.

Now the above lists are all well and good but you might want to download a free piece of planetarium software called 'Stellarium' which will help you find some of the above objects easily and can also be viewed here.

So all in all, plenty of stuff to see when the weather clears!


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