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ASIGN Observatory II is back on track!!


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Through trials and tribulations, false starts and disappointments, many things seemed to conspire to come against getting the electricity done, especially on my non-exsistant budget.

I had to remind myself of the amount of times things have come against the different stages of this project and the subsequent amount of times when God's timing has been absolutely perfect to kick it off again. Nothing has happened before I was ready for it.

Finally, a qualified and experienced electrician donated a full Saturday to connect all the cabling that had already been run by another sparky. He translated all the cables, connected all the fittings and even donated a couple of his own to get the job finished. All this for a couple of cups of good coffee, a BBQ lunch cooked by my lovely wife and some home made hot-buttered banana cake baked by mum.

He switched the mains back on and PRESTO!!!! It all worked perfectly first go!



Not only that, but as the electricity was finalised last night, in perfect timing again, I got a phone call today from a friend asking if I needed a very large flat screen television.

He arrived this afternoon with the shiny black beauty which I plugged into a DVD player and away it went.

Apparently this thing was destined for the skip bin! It works perfectly and looks fantastic!

Now to just get the sucker mounted to the wall!

For a bit of balance in the room, I got the idea to make some wooden furniture in the form of a coffee table in front of the TV and also one in between the chairs for a lamp and remotes etc.

We cut down a very large dead eucalypt last week and one of the guys was good enough to cut me a couple of slabs off the base of the trunk as I have an injury at the moment that prevents me from overdoing it for a while. It was so big it lay in the tray of my ute for a few days before one of the boys dropped around to unload it for me. The top slab must weigh over 200 kilograms.


At lunch-time today I planed, sanded and de-barked them.


After some pensive moments and a short-black coffee that are often required after a sawdust shower, I hit them with a coat of boiled linseed oil.


My next door neighbour helped me roll them off the driveway, across the lawn and into the observatory.


Full story and photos HERE.

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The place is immaculate except for the little bit of wiring under the TV screen. Are you considering some cover or something like that?

It's hard to get something by you isn't it? ;) WAIT FOR IT!!! Yes, I am waiting on a bit of funds so I can go buy some longer leads to put the DVD player further around to the right and hide the cables under the carpet edge. Coming down the wall I am going to put in some square conduit to the floor.

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  • 2 weeks later...
OK boys and girls, 

it's time to let you in on the big news! Yes, for the last few weeks ASIGN Observatory II has been gearing up to get ready for the TV crew from Australia's very own Better Homes and Gardens!

Miracle after miracle has been pouring in from friends, family, work mates and even total strangers from the internet giving their time, some generous donations and unfailing support. Not only that, but the timing of all of these things has been absolutley perfect as if by divine design - right down to the TV being donated the day after the electricity was all connected.

The crew arrived this afternoon and straight away, my nerves about meeting celebrities were put at ease as these very professional individuals were so down to earth. Russell and the film and sound guys were brilliant to work with and my eyes were opened at some of their film tricks and equipment. More on that when you see the show.

Johanna Griggs was as friendly, happy and graceful as you could imagine. I felt very at-ease with her questions in the on-camera interviews. The make-up lady was as much a part of the team, engaging as the rest while she powdered my shiny nose under the lights.

My darling wife worked like a trooper, baking biscuits for the team. They absolutely loved them. 

Being a man left to his own devices without the quidance of his good wife, I goofed big as is my manly custom and right! There was a platter of bread on the bench which I took outside with the cakes. How was I supposed to know that there was a plate of cheese and salami in the fridge to go with it? You know... being a man and all.....

Anyways, watch out for the show on the 11th of October at 7pm on channel Seven. I'll post up links once they have it on their website after the show.

Thanks again to all who have made this possible. You know who you are.

Cheers and blessings!!!


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