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Good Astronomy Documentaries?

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Hello again all,

I was wondering if anyone could recommend any good astronomy documentaries? The more the better! Any targeted/helpful for beginners in astronomy would be even better.


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Cosmos may seem dated, but Carl Sagan was imho the most imaginative and forward looking cosmologist ever to grace the science. Also an excellent author, he started my interest in astronomy when i was young.

Completely agree about Carl Sagen, I only meant the filming and effects are dated, it still is very good (found the 'space ship of the imagination' a bit cringey :) )

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The universe on history channel is good, if a little dumbed down for a greater audience. I bought it on bluray for 40 quid. Not bad for nearly 2700 minutes.

I too recommend cosmos by sagan.

There's also hawking's universe, which is a 6 parter and very good.

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The Planets, Wonders of the (Universe / Solar System). Wonders of the Solar System is on now, not Universe James ;).

I found the Planets was the one that originally got me hooked on Astronomy, I remember my dad recording, and me just sitting down one day to one of them, "Giants" I believe it was, all about Jupiter/Saturn/Uranus/Neptune. Ever since, I was hooked. It's great and very informative, even though it's pre-Cassini, 1999.

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I've really started enjoying the astronomy content on itunes. All free so far. I'm currently working through astronomy 161 which is a series of 40 odd lectures by Richard Pogge of Ohio state university and covers an introduction to the solar system. By and large very informative but some goes a little over my head. Ill next be moving onto astronomy 162 which moves onto the universe. If you go to the website I think you can still get the course notes. There are also various OU courses on there obviously you get no official qualification but might be fun to have a go at sometime

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+1 for Carl Sagan's Cosmos. I saw the original when I was in my teens and have recently bought the 30-year DVD boxset. The Works outlets sell several space and astronomy boxsets including The Universe, Through The Wormhole and Earth sciences based docs.

I also post the TV listings threads in the Heads Up section so you may be able to find some of the above on there.


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  • 7 months later...

Made my own,

, its about the dark matter theory & revolves around an old 90's tv programme I updated..... I find myself mostly reading/ researching into astronomy these days when it suits me but do remember the tv programmes persuading me to get a telescope/ getting me into this subject to begin with!
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One of my favourite ones is a BBC doc called Voyager - To The Final Frontier. It was recently replayed on the BBCHD channel.

It focusses on a different subject matter from those suggested above, but it does chart the 'journey' of the Voyager probes, from their inception in the 50', to their launch in '77, right up to what they are doing right now.

I have seen it a couple of times now, and I'm still gobsmacked by the achievements of the Voyager mission, and whilst it isn't about space per se, it does document what I think is one of the most defining moments in space exploration.

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