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two nights of viewing with new dob.


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okay ,so ive managed my first evening's with my aquired skyliner 200p. now originally i was going to do side by side comparisons with my old scope. however this went straight out the window as soon as i started putting my eye to the dob ! i was so emmersed in my new toy ,the old faithful sat in the corner im sorry to say.

fri 11th/sat 12th.-

first up saturn,so i could line up the finder and telrad. straight away i was amazed how bright it was and clear. i was pleased to that collimation with a 35mm film case seemed to have done a adequate job for now. took saturn up to x100 and it lost no contrast ,so im pleased as punch with my first ever 8 inch view.:headbang:

next up were a few globulars .now this is one of the reasons i really wanted more apeture,i really like the globs ,but my old scope from my town location would show only fuzzy balls.

m3- x66 then x100. bright core with a grainy appearance ,towards the edge's the individual stars start to show themselves.

m13-holy cr*p, this took my breath away, i never thought id see so many resolved stars,particulaly once averted vision is applied. has to be the best object ive seen to date. what this would look like from a dark site i can only imagine ! ngc6207 was in the vicinity of m13 ,and i managed to just make it out,but without any detail,quite small.

i then got myself lost amongst the virgo cluster, as i didnt want to ruin my night vision by going on stellarium, i just mooched about for a while . i will go back there later .

back to clusters and m92- smaller than the 3 and 13 clusters but still very immpressive, really are jewel like hanging in the sky. north of m92 is another glob ngc6229- this is a 9.4 magnitude,so much dimmer than the previous clusters,so more of a fuzzy but still hinting graininess (is that a word ?)

next up was m57- the ring nebula,and another moment of my jaw dropping wide open,at x 100 it was bright with its ghostly appearance .a giant smoke ring.i think it would take quite alot more than x100,but im limited until santa brings me a new e/p. never the less a great object in the dob.

finished the night/morning having a go at m101,but no joy. i was getting a little tired and called off my galaxy search after a few minutes.


managed to get a few hours outside again and started with m65/66 in leo.now i could only see them very faintly, BUT considering it was still twilight ish, i was amazed. this was well before 10 p.m.

i decided to head back to virgo with some rough star patterns id drawn up by hand ,useing stellarium.once id found a galaxy ,i checked my sketch to see which pattern matched the view in the scope. the first happened to be m87- i was so busy checking patterns and working out which way next,i never took many notes on the appearance of the object :). i did note direct vision was used on m87. so was fairly bright. at 8.6 mag.

from here i went m89 then m90 and finally m91. now it might not be a good order and may have bypassed some in between. but as i hit one ,id confirm from my sketch and move on . not great planning .but four new objects to notch off.

after another failed bash at m101, i returned to m13 once more (couldnt help it) and made a rough sketch,im going to try and polish it up and keep it as my first official sketch.

as for the dob, well very pleased with it so far,getting used to up is down and left is right ,is abit confusing after having a raci diagonal in my refractor,its all new. secondly ,i must get a adjustable hieght chair asap. and some sort of handle to make life easier when nudging.

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yes mate the 200p is showing its punching power over my 90mm. the report is abit of a mishmash of two nights,unplanned ramblings. just to excited to actually be out side with the new toy. but i shall probably try a more structured approach and better reports as soon as. hence the virgo finding s being undescibed. its quite difficult navigating within that virgo cluster if like me a relative newbie. i tried both nights to spot a hint of m101, but found it hard going, and with the upside down and reversed image, made everything a challenge .

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Great stuff Rory!

Globs are stunning aren't they? Seems like I've just been looking at galaxies for ages and forgot how beautiful other night sky objects actually are!

I wouldn't try and polish your sketch up too much, just try and keep it as accurate as possible. Looking forward to seeing it though as I sketched M13 last night aswell. :)

Some kind of adjustable chair is a must, makes viewing so much more comfortable.

I'm also getting used to my new dob, just where is best to hold it etc. I find that pushing/pulling in the direction you want to go rather than actually looking through the EP and figuring out N E S W is easier.

Been looking forward to reading your report and can tell your like a kid with a new toy! :headbang: Happy days!!

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hi perry, yeah ive got s&t atlas, but still abit wet behind the ears at times ,and found virgo a mess ,lol.

hi mike, your so right a chair ( adjustable hieght) is a real must. lets see ya m13 then !

ive p.m'd you mike.

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Glad you're liking your new scope rory. I had a good night with the globulars last night too and i found the dumbell. I bet that would look unreal through your scope.


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this is the stool I went with. Great report BTW Rory. I usually go for x142 on globular in my Explorer 200P f/5 and even from LP Brum I can make out the propeller when M13 is over head. You will be in for a treat when Jupiter and M42 come back around.

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Nice report Rory. Some fine objects in there.

Welcomes to Dobsville it's great ain't it.:)

M101 is a toughie buddy. It really needs a dark sky site to be seen well. It's one of those objects that eludes and eludes until you get the conditions right then...bang! It just blows you away with its beauty.:headbang:

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Great write up. I have just got a 200P as well and have fitted a knob using one of the holes from the screws that hold the end ring in place to save drilling or using adhesive. As an alternative to a chair I also picked up a water but stand which brings the eyepiece up to a more comfortable height and is very rigid as it is designed to hold a significant weight.

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great report Rory - really enjoyed it. Might be worth investing in a telrad if the right to left is getting confusing - you'll soon get used to it though.

I made myself a small adjustable viewing platform for my Dob which makes sure the Dob sits perfectly flat horizontally (which helps with the push to) but also raises it about 6 Inches off the floor- suprizing what a difference that has made for me. So many cheap and worthwhile mods you can do to a Dob that makes things easier and better - welcome to the club.

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hi steve, yeah i got a telrad already, an exellent bit of simple kit imo.

as for seating. ive either got to look into something like spaceboy suggests or maybe something like a drummers stool . ( hey dkd, how high does a drummers stool go mate ? :) )

another object ive only took a passive interst in so far ,but im chomping to get a look at with the dob is the moon !

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hi steve, yeah i got a telrad already, an exellent bit of simple kit imo.

as for seating. ive either got to look into something like spaceboy suggests or maybe something like a drummers stool . ( hey dkd, how high does a drummers stool go mate ? :) )

another object ive only took a passive interst in so far ,but im chomping to get a look at with the dob is the moon !

Drum throne would fit the job nicely I should think. Not too expensive for a basic seat.

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Hi Rory, Nice report. I was having a viewing session last night with my new Dob - the 10 inch 250 PX I'm using a Red Dot Finder piggy backed on the finder scope until the Telrad arrives. I was looking at Saturn...just Amazing views views through this light bucket. The planet detail and of course the rings. Then as it gradually went darker the Moons one by one came into view. Very nice indeed.

I then turned my attention to M13 ( as it had gone quite dark by then ) first DSO through the 250PX, took a little searching...then pop !!!! there she was....stunning. Once I picked my chin off the floor I decided to have a look for the Ring Nebula, yet again a little bit of searching, then found her....wow like a smoke ring. I was blown away. I went back and looking at them both proving to myself that I find them again. By this time it was near midnight and an early get up so I packed up, but a great first DSO experience with the new 250PX Dob.

Welcome to Dobsville :)

Just a note I made a Platform out of Decking to raise my Dob off the floor about 10 inches or so. It works for me as I need the pivot point slightly higher to look over some trees and next doors Conservatory.

Happy Observing :)





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Hi Rory,

Yeah I'm quite lucky with the location I've got at home in the back garden. I've got some great unobstructed views of the night sky.


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