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Who has got clear skies predicted for tonight ?


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I saw Venus about 30 mins ago but it is gone now. Could have set behind the house opposite or it may be cloudy.


Its cloudy.

I saw Venus and that's what made my mind up not to set up as it was a smug was really high thin cloud here.

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What a nightmare that was.

The only decent thing out of last night was seeing the IDEFIX & Ariane 42r satellite go over. It looked amazing. For a moment I thought it was one of those Chinese lantern things; it was large, round and had colour - orangey. But it was steady, quite fast, and I checked Stellarium. It was gorgeous, and very different to how I normally see sats. I'm convinced it wasn't a chinese lantern.

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Was clear earlier near Bristol.Got my hopes up so got set up. Since then,mist,cloud and still too light. Just given up for the night! :-(

Similar thing here. The sky seemed far too bright and could practically see hardly anything with the naked eye. Trying to allign my scope was a nightmare, it kept saying 'allignment success', but when I told it to go to saturn it pointed to nothing! ;)

I tried allignment 3 times and it never quite got it right. I gave up around 11:30 as then more and more hazy cloud rolled in, making a fuzzy light sky worse. The frustration continues...sigh

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Despite the fullish Moon and the haze giving poor clarity, the seeing here (Oxford 'ish) last night was surprisingly good.

I got my little ED80 out quickly before the weather changed to rain, snow or hail and tried a few objects. Saturn was surprisingly good, with a very clear Cassini division all round, a hint of more ring detail, good belt detail and a very clear ring shadow. I had trouble finding Epsilon Lyrae because of the haze (every vapour trail had become a band of cloud) but when I did, it was worthwhile with the clearest separation of each of the pairs I've seen in a tiddly scope, with the mag differences very obvious. Venus wasn't bad either, although a cloud soon dealt with that.


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I'm to the point of stealing my toddler's Easter eggs now ;)

So as we're promised another 5 months of this sort of weather, the economy should soon recover as Cadbury, Nestle and Lindt sales boom......


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Yeay! I managed to get out last night. Conditions weren't great but I got my first chance this season to peek at Saturn. It was surprisingly good seeing here in South Oxon, but thin cloud and the full moon conspired to make the sky very bright. I did a solar system align as there were so few alignment stars visble and I didn't want to waste any time - plenty good enough with a reasonable alignment done with the polar scope.

Saturn disappeared behind a tree before I could have a go at imaging it so I mucked about with Mars for a bit - amazing how much smaller it is now. Didn't get much done other than set up an eyepiece to be parfocal with my IMG0H.

I think I have collimation much better than before, and I am also set-up closer to the optium back focus distance for the 11HD. Need to find a better way of getting the object on the camera sensor when using a focal length of 14 meters +! I get it in the centre of a crosshair eyepiece with the 5 x Powermate attached, but the action of removing the EP and adding the camera always knocks it off and not in a predictable way... and even with the finder scope well aligned it's just not acurate enough to put the subject on the chip...

Anyway, once the cloud clears...

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Naemeth shush, I'm an eternal optimist, we WILL have clear skies tonight LOL

Oh ok then, it's clouding over already **curses the gods of clouds and rain**


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Naemeth shush, I'm an eternal optimist, we WILL have clear skies tonight LOL

Oh ok then, it's clouding over already **curses the gods of clouds and rain**


I can see some blue skies, which is hopeful, but nearly all of the forecast sites I'm using are saying cloud. Even my signature is ;), I will hope, but probably won't be getting the scope out to cool.

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Cloudy with black rain clouds over Wymondham this evening.

As this arrived today, from FLO, suspect that in Sarf Norfolk we'll be having clouds for a while longer.


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In North Essex, the Sky was clear around 7:30..then the high cloud arrived,went a little patchy,and got dark, had a cloudy look at Venus and a cloudy look at Mars and then they both dissappeared. ......Sigh!

Will pop out in afew minutes and see what we have!!

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Cloudy with black rain clouds over Wymondham this evening.

As this arrived today, from FLO, suspect that in Sarf Norfolk we'll be having clouds for a while longer.

Ha Ha yes, remind me to avoid any dark sites in Norfolk for the next few weeks!! Nice scope, do hope the sky clears for you.

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