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UK Astro buy/sell - good idea for first upgrades?

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Hi all,

Sorry if this has been asked a million and 1 times already...

Is the UK Astro Buy & Sell site a good place to get 2nd hand stuff, or would people not recommend it? As far as I can tell it's a way of bringing buyer and seller together, actual payment details etc are to be handled between you which I guess means bank transfer or cheque in the post.

On the one hand everything about the way business is done on the web these days encourages you to panic about security and would seem to discourage this; on the other hand it seems a shame to be so negative and untrusting when most if not all people on there are probably genuine.

I just wondered what other people's experiences are?

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I've bought and sold with no problems but have heard of others who have been ripped off. Just don't use paypal as a gift if you're unsure, better to pay the sellers fees or walk away if you are not comfortable with it. They're not supposed ask for paypal as a gift now but people still do.

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My experience has always been good so far and I have about a dozen transactions under my belt. The key is to carry out all the checks you would normally do online. Do try to see if they frequent a forum like this as looking at their posts willl give some assurance that they are a fellow astronomer etc.

In this life there will always be risks but you can do your best to mitigate them..


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I think as a way of accessing your next bit of kit at quite often a good price, this site is certainly very appealing and very popular. I suppose it's a case of doing your homework and knowing what to look for ("buyer beware"). The site itself is open about having problems with certain transactions in the past, listing them under its own heading of "Fraud Alerts" and the site appears to be well organised and well presented. I don't believe it's anymore risky than say using Ebay, and more often than not, you are more likely to arrange to go along and inspect what is being sold given the amount that certain items cost, which itself makes it easy to judge if the transaction will be upfront and honest.


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It seems to work, and pretty well too.

I recently sold my EQ3-2 mount there. The purchaser and I agreed on payment via Paypal. Some sellers are happy to have payment via Paypal's 'gift' system (which doesn't incur charges) but I preferred to record it as a proper transaction so that, as a seller, I came under Paypal's protection. Adds a little to the overall cost, but worth it.

Some sellers like to offer their items on AstroBuySell before taking them to Ebay. This is because ABS is a free listing site, so the asking price can be sensible. On Ebay, there's a fee to be paid for listing your item. Swings and roundabouts!

However, on Ebay, you can often get a bidding frenzy that takes the price well above what the item is really worth! Seems to me that Astro Buy Sell is a good place to get kit at a sensible price.

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My experiences on UK Astro Buy & Sell have all been positive too, both buying and selling. The used astro equipment market is a thriving one and provides a great way to build up a great set of kit. 95% of my gear was bought used.

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I'm pretty cautious buying on the net full stop, so on AstrobuyandSell I only collect, deliver, or meet half way, and I've had zero problems and have enjoyed meeting like minded poeple by doing this. Obviously you have to wait a while longer for the items you want to term up locally but if you are as cautious as me this approach might be an option for you:)

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Cheers all :D

I'm just looking at an EP upgrade and spotted an omni on there, but thought it seemed to good to be true and sometimes if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...

But I'll go for it I reckon. Thanks again.


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I use it a lot and have had no bad experiences with it. I've met some really nice people from buying and selling on it. I check that the person I'm buying from is involved in the astronomy community if I'm buying something without meeting them by googling them and checking they use sgl or cn. If you use paypal to pay then pay the extra to make it a purchase rather than a gift, that way you are protected by pp as well.

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I think it's a good site. I wouldn't buy expensive optics without seeing them and I once took an artificial star setup to one 'meet half way' transaction. (Black card with ballbearing glued to it and powerful handlamp to illuminate it. Works a treat.) I've bought a TV Genesis on there, a 20 inch Dob and quite a few other bits.


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I have sold complete scopes and mounts and bought EP's and parts without problem.

With all the sales I have spoken over the phone and had some great conversations with fellow astronomers (you can tell a fellow enthusiast with a phone call) but as always buyer beware.

I sold a Peter Drew designed and built 6" reflector in 10 minutes on the site last year !

Shame SGL has lost its own Buy n Sell as it was a great service to members.

Will it ever return ?


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I have had lots of good experiences with Astro Buy Sell. Met up with, or spoken on the phone, or had email chats with a lot of good people.

Just do your homework on kit price and seller background. There is the option to look up an SGL username, if the seller chooses to display. You can also see length of membership and advert history. I have seen one or two dodgy ads/people on there. But they really are in the minority and get thrown off pretty quick. Compared to wading through the rubbish on ebay, it is a pleasure to use.

cfortunate enough


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I buy small and sometimes quite expensive items, each time I stare in disbelief that I've just paid not much more than 1/2 price for something that looks brand new. Most owners really do look after their kit. :D

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Thanks all - that's a real resounding endorsement!

Unfortunately when I asked last night the EP I was after has alreay gone :)

Back to the drawing board! (I knew I should've jumped on it from WEX, but they removed it from their site just as I made my mind up...)

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