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Tony S

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Hi all,

Just signed up to SL after finally getting around to buying my first telescope. It has always been something I wanted to get and having had a bonus from work and the Mrs didn't want anything doing to the house / garden, I thought I would finally take the plunge. Having done a fair bit of homework before making my decision and what I could afford with the money I had available to spend, I decided on the Skywatcher Explorer 200PDS with EQ5 Goto Mount and placed my order. I have since collected it from the suppliers and on setting it all up, found out it needed collimating (I was a bit disappointed having not been able to play with my new toy straight away!), so back to the internet I went and after reading a few threads on SL and realizing that this will be a regular thing I would need to carry out, purchased a laser collimator which arrived on Saturday morning. I am now in the process of waiting for the next clear night so I can put my new purchase to work and enjoy a closer view of the night sky.

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Hi and welcome!

I had my first scope delivered today and am also sitting here looking at cloud! (Ooh! Look! There's a really nice Cirrostratus over there! :))

You have got to have a sense of humour for this hobby not to mention lots and lots of patience :confused:

Still, I won't waste the time, I'll learn how to check and adjust collimation while I'm waiting

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:) to everyone on SGL that has made me feel welcome and to 'DOBBY' for your message of advice on collimating, it is very much appreciated and well received. As a newbie I feel like a sponge, trying to absorb as much info as I can so that I can maximise my enjoyment of the night sky. I'm sure I'll be back on SGL asking some questions shortly, bear with me if they seem a bit silly - I'm still learning. :confused:

Happy viewing everyone

Tony S.

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