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That scared the hell out of me!


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My god, friday night I decided to take some better photos of saturn, which I succeeded btw rather nice.

But at one point I was so focused looking through my 10mm EP staring at Saturn when all of a sudden, WOOSH!!! A massive plane came across my FOV. I had to go inside to change my underwear, that shocked me up properly!

Had to look up into the sky with the naked eye to make sure what it actually was.

I mean, blumming hell, that tiny lil bit of 0.000001% of sky I was looking at and that thing decided to fly right across that lil bit of sky out of all the other 99.999999% of sky to fly in!

I feel so invaded lol

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Oh, you can guarantee, any object in the sky that I want to photograph, over the course of a night at least three planes or satellites will trawl right through the image.

It even happens when you work at really long focal lengths ;)

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Better than it coming at you in your eye piece. ;)


lol classic!

oh man, sounds like silly things happen a lot then.

I do see the humor of it though, but a mouse climbing up your leg would **** you up definitely in the first few moments as it would be too dark for you to see what it actually is.

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A couple of weeks back I was crouching down in front of my laptop which was on a garden chair (trying to focus on mars, no luck,) when all of a sudden.... FWUFF! A cats tail shot up between me and the screen! If anyone knows the scene in Life Of Brian where the three wise men startle Brian's mum and she flies backwards, I swear that's exactly what happened!!!

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I can't believe the swear filter cut in on my post. So, at the risk of being told off, I will bypass it... On second thoughts here are some synonyms -

Grab, Grasp, Seize, Take, Steal, Pinch, Nick, Filch.

You should be able to work out what the innocent word was.

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I can't believe the swear filter cut in on my post. So, at the risk of being told off, I will bypass it... On second thoughts here are some synonyms -

Grab, Grasp, Seize, Take, Steal, Pinch, Nick, Filch.

You should be able to work out what the innocent word was.

Yes it is a bit sensitive isn't it? but I do understand the reasons for caution having a young son who is interested in astronomy. It is constantly reviewed (I can now talk about carp fishing without it interjecting) so if any seem daft you might want to raise it with Admin through the bugs/errors section.

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I think the first time you see anything fly across your field of view it can be quite eery, the uninformed usually think 'UFO, OMG, OMG, OMG', First thing I saw crossing the moon was a black round 'thing', no idea what it was, must've been a satellite but there was something serene yet eery about it.

My daftest one was out at a house an ex and myself were looking after while the owner was on holiday, in the middle of the countryside away from people, set in it's own land with a small wood, pheasants, deer, owls, bats, foxes and the owners dog (the dog is a story in itself!).

So, I'm setup with the SCT, out in the dark, no streetlights or LP that I can see and I see this 'star' in the distance that looks invitingly bright, so I slew round to it, look through the ep and try to focus on it, as I'm focusing, it's getting slowly getting bigger and bigger, so I start to turn the focuser the other way without much of a result, at this point being a n00b my mind is baffled, this shouldn't be happening! So my mind starts to make up things, surely it can't be an asteroid? Especially that big and getting bigger by the second, so this point of light is getting bigger and bigger but it's not moving up/down/left or right, just getting bigger and bigger. At this point my heart is pounding, I tell myself to pull myself together at which point I see this red flashing light, it turns out that where I'd setup was perfectly aligned to a planes flightpath, no idea what the odds of doing that are but funnily enough, nothing I've seen in the sky has phased me ever since ;)

So, this dog at the house we were looking after, it was a lurcher and it was pretty much allowed to roam free and comes and goes as it pleases, I'm standing outside having a smoke in the pitch black, looking up at the stars, out of nowhere I hear the pad of fast footsteps and this dog hurtles past me brushing my legs and scaring the living bejeebers out of me, I hear this thing mooching around in the garden then slowly walk back to me, I turn my torch on expecting a fox or badger and I get this crazy mutt wagging it's tail smiling back at me, ahahaha :)

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would be soooo funny if the people on the plane were waving at you :icon_salut:

or all shouted BOO at the same time although I suppose that would have to be a plackard that read boo.

Can you see people on a plane if focussed correctly?

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I was out last night trying to grab glimpses of the Double Star (can't ever remember the names) in Ursa Major through the breaks in the cloud when a meteorite shot straight through my FOV. Lifting my head to see where it went I spotted a satellite coming in the other direction. Just as it started fading out another one came across at 90 degrees !! Seemed like a good time to have another mouthful of Ale and feel good about life :icon_salut:

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I watched a Bat fly across the moon some time back, that was rather cool.

Must of taken it ages!

Given us mobile astronomers need for dark deserted locations such as quiet country car parks, i wonder if some poor devotee has had a aperture full of some "dog walking brigade" nudge nudge thinking it would be fun to display their wears in full view! :icon_salut: that would give dark matter new meaning.

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