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I give up!


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I give up. the clouds have now made way for mist in devon.

Its been lovely by day but this is obviously heating up the ground.

Anyone else having problems with fog around the uk.


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Thick mist just down the road in Plympton too! Till I took up this hobby I never realised how many cloudy / misty / foggy evenings there are in the UK. Itis so anoying when the day is clear and then in it rolls.

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Meteoblue has been showing the best ever seeing conditions all day, for the next 3 days and nights :). Before I got too excited, I checked with Met Office, who forecast cloud and mist. :icon_salut:

Sun broke through over Bristol about 3pm, just as MO said. Driving home, the closer I got to the Mendips the gloomier it got. By 7pm it was a pea-soup! Meteoblues!

I did manage to get out last night and try some quick and dirty widefield in a (relatively) dark spot, so I was going to give it another bash from an even darker spot. Fat chance.

As I'll still be at work until the middle of the evening tomorrow I'm sure it will be as clear as a bell then...:)


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Really foggy this morning in West Cornwall, then warm and sunny all afternoon then thick fog again as the sun went down. You really feel that the elements are against you, especially when you lug the mount out and get it set up in the daylight only to find the fog has come down when you want to go out and play!!

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Really foggy this morning in West Cornwall, then warm and sunny all afternoon then thick fog again as the sun went down. You really feel that the elements are against you, especially when you lug the mount out and get it set up in the daylight only to find the fog has come down when you want to go out and play!!

Thats what i did, set up in clear sunny conditions and just as i went out to set up the autostar in came the mist.

Not all was lost though, left the scope out and the skies cleared for a good nights viewing including my first look at saturn :) wow! that is really something, still tracking it now.

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Fog at Heathrow this morning delaying her Dublin flight meant my Mother missed her 11am connecting flight to Kuala Lumper on her way to Perth in Oz. Stuck in LHR till 10pm as they rebooked her LHR to Singapore and then onto Perth. She was not a happy camper on the phone. We've no idea where her luggage is. Someone told me they often send luggage on the previous flight, so her luggage could be sitting in Kuala Lumpar. She's not even going there now :)

As for the Fog. Same here in Ireland. With the High pushing the Jetstream to the far north I knew the seeing would be good for the Jupiter Venus conjunction. I just thought that a high at this time of year meant clear skies too. Looks like the group observing seesion for the conjunction will probably be called off. If its not one thing its another. It takes a special kind of person to be an astronomer on these islands

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We had thick fog this morning, but the sun made it through late this afternoon before the fog rolled in again as the sun set. When I went out to put the chickens to bed visibility was about ten metres.


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Fog at Heathrow this morning delaying her Dublin flight meant my Mother missed her 11am connecting flight to Kuala Lumper on her way to Perth in Oz. Stuck in LHR till 10pm as they rebooked her LHR to Singapore and then onto Perth. She was not a happy camper on the phone. We've no idea where her luggage is. Someone told me they often send luggage on the previous flight, so her luggage could be sitting in Kuala Lumpar. She's not even going there now :)

As for the Fog. Same here in Ireland. With the High pushing the Jetstream to the far north I knew the seeing would be good for the Jupiter Venus conjunction. I just thought that a high at this time of year meant clear skies too. Looks like the group observing seesion for the conjunction will probably be called off. If its not one thing its another. It takes a special kind of person to be an astronomer on these islands

Managed to see the conjuction visually, but it was through a haze a fog. Still at least I can tick that off as seen!

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When I went out to put the chickens to bed visibility was about ten metres.


Chickens James? Ditto, (JG's and L sussex + Guinea Fowl

Meat chicks arrive the end of the month

Oh what fun us country yokels have

AND another foggy day, YET again, going to go out and shoot something!

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Chickens James? Ditto, (JG's and L sussex + Guinea Fowl

Meat chicks arrive the end of the month

Quite a few chickens, yes. A mixture of Buff Orptinton, Cream Legbar, various Maran breeds, Leghorns and some odd crosses (we do get white, cream, blue, green and brown eggs now though :)

What breed are you looking at for meat?

We also have bees and every so often pigs and lambs. Took the pigs to slaughter a couple of weeks ago. Just been squeezing the lid closed on one of the chest freezers after putting in something like 150kg of pork.


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What breed are you looking at for meat?

Just been squeezing the lid closed on one of the chest freezers after putting in something like 150kg of pork.


Cobb X, had some last year, dressed out approx 7-8lbs

Looking to get a couple of pigs and lambs, once I'ver sorted the overgrown field out, and either stock fence or electric fencing

Yep, 6' frezzer too, full, pork, mutton, beef, guinea, phesant (shot by yours truly) and any veg/fruit that will freeze

Going to have to start a smallholder thread! :)

Thread now started James: http://stargazerslounge.com/lounge/180146-smallholders-such.html

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