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Solar storm disruption due today


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OK, I guess I am more inclined to believe AuroraWatch than a newspaper ...

I don't think no one can really predict the true level/destructive nature (On Earth) of any event like this, even at a scientific level, we know its coming, and that’s it. I wonder if satellites where shutdown/put into safe mode so the electronics don’t fry, I watched a program on TV, I think it was 'Bad Universe', they were going on about electric company's need to install large capacitors to shunt the EMF (electro Magnetic Force) so it had some where to go rather than blow the system.

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It's only going to get more interesting.

The sun as we all know is not constant (no matter what the GW brigade might try and tell us) We've experienced very very little of what the sun has to offer while we have electrical and electronic systems.

Being in the Semiconductor industry I wonder if we're going to see greater demands for 'rad hardening'. If I were building anything medical, military, or very high profile commercial, it's what I'd be looking at, we could end up with 'rad hardened lite' for serious ground level kit.


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It looks pretty good in the solar scope. Two angry looking sunspot groups and some bright proms, one forming a large looping arch on the limb. Despite its size this one is pretty bright. Pity it's too late to set up the imaging gear but I'll have a gander tomorrow and get organized if it's still busy up there.


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A computer at work blew it's power supply this week - I'm blaming the solar maximum!

Boy, could I have some fun with this... :D

I take it from that NASA graphic that it's due to hit tomorrow then (9th March)?

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You know whats causing it dont you?!

Nibiru/Planet X

Ps > Thats a joke, but its what'll be all over youtube thats for sure!

Someone at work was asking me my thoughts on Planet X - was he taking the mick? Cos I had no idea what he was on about.

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LOL You've missed out!!!

Its meant to be the coming of Nibiru in 2012, and bring wide spread destruction and doom to the planet Earth.....according to some.....lol

And "Where?" you ask is Nibiru?

"HIDING BEHIND THE SUN" They say, ready in waiting to pounce when the time comes....

"Where did it come from?" We ask...

"ORION!" They say...

LOL its all just LOL's have a skim on youtube, it'll keep you busy for hours...

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