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Hello from Gloucestershire


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Evening All!

I guess I'm yet another victim of the Stargazing Live phenomenon:D

Despite living in a village, light pollution is a problem with a street lamp out the front seriously affecting easterly skies and another street lamp next-door-but-one on the north!!

Even so, armed with only a Tasco 15x30 monocular, I've "viewed" M31 Andromeda Galaxy, M42 Orion Nebular and the Double Cluster between Perseus and Casseopeia, as well as learning some of the more major constellations - Stellarium has been really useful so far, especially with clarifying that the "odd" bright star in Leo (not marked on my planisphere) was in fact Mars ;).

With a limited budget, I've got my eye on a Skywatcher 130P reflector, which seems to have favourable reviews, and offers reasonable performance for the price.


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Hi Andy,

Welcome to SGL..

I sympathise on the street lights! I've similar issues...you just have to learn to live with them I'm affraid. You could try errecting some form of temporary screen.

This is what I have to do in order to image to the North from my garden..and .it can be suprisingly effective.


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