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Hello everyone !

Some 45 years ago my parents bought me a little telescope for Christmas with which I could only really look at the moon as it was very unstable and not very good quality.

But it whetted my appetite for astronomy and I promised myself that when I was a grown up I'd treat myself to something a little better.

I've just bought myself a Skymax-127 SynScan AZ GOTO and ever since it arrived its rained so I havent really had much chance to look at anything.

Anyhow, I'm hoping to learn a lot from this forum - no doubt I've bought the wrong thing but we live and learn :D

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Hi there and welcome to SGL. :D

Can't do anything about the weather, but I can reassure you that you definitely have NOT bought the wrong thing. Take your time with it, - you'll love it!

Any problems - lots of info on 127 Maks on this forum

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Hi and welcome to the forum. Its not about whether a scope is a good one or a bad one, its about knowing what it can do and having the expectations to match. Lets be honest, any scope will show you more than your own eyes, so any purchase is really a bonus. I think the problems come not with the scopes but typically with the mounts that come with them that are clearly made to a price. It is this part of the setup that causes the biggest hurdle for those starting out in celestial observing. You might want to read this review written by a member here who has the same setup.

My view is that your scope will be great on the moon and planets and the brighter galaxies such as globular clusters and perhaps a number of number of other deep sky objects or DSO's as they are sometimes referred to. The long focal length will assist magnification but of course the modest aperture will mean less resolving power compared to a dobsonian scope bought for the same budget. A dobsonian's simple design means that more aperture can be had for your cash and aperture equals resolution of detail. Of course money spent on aperture will mean no money left for any GOTO system that can help you find stuff and it is this kind of trade off between one advantage against another that frequently underlines most choices regarding scopes - probably explains why we are often seen with more than one or maybe we're just greedy!:D:D

Clear skies


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Thank you everyone for your warm welcome, especially to JBM1165 for linking the Mak article which did give me a warm glow.

Lets hope the clouds disappear long enough this evening and I get a chance to see Mercury, Venus and Jupiter !

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