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Another noob


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Hello, my names Boab and I have recently started to dabble with all things telescope. I'm still not sure if this is just another fad or something I will stick with. Before you make the assumption, I got my 1st scope in november, long before Dr Cox tried to smarm us over. (I'm not a fan. Could you guess?) I haven't read the forums so don't know what the general opinion of the programs is but I thought they were too messy and tried to do too much in too little a time.

Anyhoo, I have found this forum by googleing (?) a few questions and getting reffered here so it seems joining is the polite thing to do.

I currently have a 130 skywatcher md and a celestron 114 nexstar with goto and I still cant get either tripods to work properly. Polar alligning pickles me and the goto seems to have a mind of its own. I am however thinking of selling both to get a decent 8" scope. Hopefully a skywatcher but depends on what the budget will allow. I know a few of you say to avoid ebay but it is by using ebay and gumtree that I have been able to buy and sell my way up to the scopes I have now.

I am also interested in trying astrophotography but again I need to work out the whole equatorial mount setup for tracking 1st. I have a Nikon D90 with both a 18-200 and a 500mm lens and got a few nice shots of the moon so far but would like to try for more deep space in time.

Anyway thats my (ahem) short intro. Im sure I will have a few questions that will seem trivial to most but I am off now to try and find answers that are already on the forums.

Cheers for looking and feel free to say hi back :icon_scratch:

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Hello fellow noob! I'm with you on the whole ambition of upgrading from a 114mm to 8" - aperture fever is what it's called I believe :icon_scratch: sounds like you may have heard this already but you can always buy (and sell) used equipment within the astro-community, a much safer bet than eBay and gumtree. That's certainly where I'll be looking...

Anyhoo, welcome from one newbie to another!

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From one forum newbie to another, welcome!

On the Brian Cox subject, personally I like him. I like the way he makes what can sometimes be a very complex subject very simple to understand, even to thick heads like me :icon_scratch:

I'm sure he's responsible for the high rate of interest in the subject too over the last couple of years, which is a good thing and something the astro community should welcome.

Anyway, welcome again, enjoy your stay.

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