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A (sort of) quick hi!


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Hi folks,

Doesn't look like many of us will be out with our scopes tonight from where I'm sitting in Derby - been snowing steadily for a few hours now!

My name is Gav and at 34 years old I've recently returned to astronomy after a break of about 18 years after my mate showed me his shiny new Skywatcher reflector. As soon as I looked through the eyepiece at Jupiter I was instantly hooked again and decided to upgrade from my old Tasco 4" reflector which was still gathering dust in the attic. Unfortunately I'm a bit restricted at my current house as the council very thoughtfully installed a street light directly overlooking my back garden (it's not very light polluting and casts a nice moonlike glow though so I shouldn't really complain!).

Luckily there's a park just over the road which is fairly dark and unfrequented at this time of year so I went for a Skywatcher 130P which I can easily pick up and carry over there. I've also found a field 5 mins drive away just outside Derby with a public footpath running through it so I go there occasionally too - just hope there are no cows there in the summer!

The 130P is definitely a vast improvement on my old scope and I've clocked up a fairly respectable number of open clusters, views of the Orion Nebula, Andromeda Galaxy etc with it whenever I've had the chance.

As I guess most of us do though I'm already dreaming of bigger things - we're planning on moving house next year so a nice dark garden with a goodish horizon will be the first thing I look for and when we're there I'll get myself a nice big scope!

Anyway, that's enough of me rambling on so I'll say bye for now Stargazing Loungers!

Gav :D

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Hi Gav and welcome to the forum. Hope you can move to an improved location to help you develop your interest further. Check out any local observing groups (not always the same as astro societies/clubs) in your area to help gain some further experience and tips and of course to share in your excitement!

Clear skies


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