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Still finding my way!


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Hello! I have been interested in astronomy and space for many years. Have 'read' quite a bit, but never ventured this far online! Contemplating buying a 'scope now that I'm retired, but find the choice very confusing! Shall read what others have to say and recommend before I part with my money!

Looking forward to exploring the website!

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Hi and welcome to the forum.

Choosing a first scope can be a bit mindblowing. It was for me. I found that reading through the Help for beginners section of the forum a great help. Once I'd narrowed it down to a few telescopes I contacted First Light Optics and asked for some advice which they willingly gave. Took delivery of my Skywatcher 150p earlier this year and have been grinning ever since.

Hope this helps.


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A warm welcome to the SGL, I have also retired and loving it, Getting the right scope and bit (eyepieces ect) is so important ,making sure it's not to heavy , making sure it does the thing you want it to do ,like Astrophotgraphy or just Visual ,it will be up to you and that will decide wich scope you pick work out how much you would like to spend and we will see what you can get

clear skies


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