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Favourite Planet


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I'm not sure if there's one of these already, but I thought I'd try anyway :)

I can't be the only one with a favourite planet, can I? :)

Le sigh, I know that Pluto was demoted to a dwarf planet (though someone told me it was reclassified again?) but it'll always be a planet to me :') It's always been my favourite ever since I was little.

So how about you guys? Might as well post your favourite moons if you want too :)

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My Mate Saturn. the first thing i ever saw through a scope. i still to this day say hello mate when i look at it for the first time at an observing session. everyone laughs but i laugh at them and tell them i know your next word once you look through the scope. i am usually right and that word is WOW

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Jupiter is my favorite for observing. There is always something interesting going on there and you can actually observe changes happening in real time. Saturn is supremely beautiful but, to me, much less dynamic with the exception of tracking the half dozen or so Saturnian moons that my scope is capable of showing me.

For a moon I'd go for Saturns tiny but highly reflective Enceladus. When I've been able to glimpse it I've always thought how amazing it is to be able to see something just 500km in diameter (smaller than the UK) that is nearly 800 million miles from us :)

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I echo johns comments, Jupiter has so much to look at but the rings of Saturn come a very close second.

Enceladus is quite a unique moon. Generally accepted to be the brightest moon in the whole solar system relative to it's size.

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Another vote for Saturn, same as GJBC, it was the first thing I was shown through a telescope and was what got me hooked on this wonderful hobby. While Jupiter is pretty, Saturn is definitely the coolest looking with its rings!

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Jupiter for me it rules the roost and has protected us from some real nasties in the past. The gargantuan size of it too, and its mystery. Also love Saturn for its visual beauty and wow factor. My favourite moon would be Ganymede because I think its stunning to look at (in pictures) Like our Moon too.

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Earth :)

Excluding that, Mars. The images Spirit and Opportunity and the orbiters have been sending back are just amazing. I studied geological sciences for my degree, and to see images from Mars and see features in the rocks that are the same as the ones I've seen on field trips on Earth is just staggering. Beyond the reach of any amateur scope of course, but still...

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Jupiter for me as it was the 1st planet i saw through a scope when I started this adventure 40+ years ago

Saturn maybe the one with the wow factor and has got me many a hug from a young lady while doing outreach but it has to be the king

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Jupiter because it was my second planet after venus and wandered upon it by accident while 'browsing' the sky. I was shocked, and awestruck. I could see four moons, two either side and perfectly symetrical in position! I could make out the cloud bands (albeit just two dark ones back then)

It was a real WOW moment.

I saw Saturn last week for the first time but the detail is nowhere near as good as Jupiter, still amazing but Jupiter holds a place close to my heart.

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Generally speaking, Earth is my favourite. Not sure I'd want to live elsewhere - it's the only one with McDonalds on it! (so far) :)

Other than Earth, definitely Saturn. Probably because I eagerly followed Cassini-Huygens ever since it launched; a probe that has revealed so much stunning data about not only Saturn and its majestic rings but also the fascinating worlds orbiting it.

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My vote goes to Mars. Just the fact that you can see surface detail as opposed to just the top of the atmosphere does it for me.

Favourite moon has to THE moon. So much to see and find with any telescope or binos. Enough for many years viewing.

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