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Hello from Middlesex

Stu Skywatcher

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Hello to everyone :D I’ve been lurking here for a few weeks so I thought I’d get registered.

I’ve been interested in the night sky on a casual basis for ages now being a casual Sky at Night viewer for years, more recently girded into action by Prof Bri’s TV output – Wonders of the Solar system, Universe and the last and current series of Stargazing Live.

I prompted my wife to buy me a sort of starter pack for Xmas: Praktica W10x50P Bino’s; Philip’s Stargazing with Binoculars (book); a small 5” Planisphere and a Philip’s Star Chart. The whole lot came to £28 + p&p, from ebay (ducks as things are thrown at me). This has revolutionised my stargazing! While the Planisphere is really too small to be of much use to me – having recently completed my ½ century the old eyes aren’t quite as good as they used to be!! The book and Star chart have been great and I have learned loads, tho I wish the star chart was in black and white! I now understand how and why our view of the night sky changes through the year. I have also downloaded Stellarium, which I can only describe as absolutely brilliant.

My plan is to spend the next 12 months or so observing the sky and learning the constellations, then see where I go from there. I love looking at our neighbouring planets, a couple of nights ago I managed to see Venus, Jupiter, Mars and Saturn all in the course of one night. If only I could have woken up early, I could have seen Mercury! I was also quite proud of myself when I stumbled across Pleiades and recognised it, despite not specifically looking for it or knowing where it was in the sky! What a magnificent sight, quite breathtaking.

I have a couple of questions, not sure if I should post them here or in the beginners thread, so I’ll start here first.

1. My first discovery – I think I need some better bino’s. I can’t get a clear disc when looking at Jupiter, tho I can pick out 2 – 3 moons. Would a better pair improve the view and if so how much (I know that is a very subjective question)?

2. I am also having trouble spotting Clusters. M35, M36, M37, M38, M44 have been my main targets. Is this because my bino’s are ‘budget’ or is this because of light pollution – I live about 2 miles south of Heathrow?

Anyhow, I’m hooked. I still can’t quite believe how much more I can see through my bino’s (even if they are cheap) compared to what I can see with my naked eye. Orion and Taurus/Hyades, wow :) to name but a few 'jaw on the floor' moments.

Apologies for waffling on so much, this being my first post n all that.......

Looking forward to learning and enjoying more about our night sky.


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hi and welcome to sgl binos are great,i got a great set of 20x70 prinz ones out of a charity shop for 6 quid,they came with two sets of filters as well they must be 20 years old and weigh a ton ,wait tile you get a scope and see whats out there

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Hi Stu

Welcome to the forum.

10x50,s are an excellent size pair of bins, just right for hand holding for prolonged periods. They wont show you the disc of Jupiter because fior this you need more magnification. Personallly rather fthan buying bigger heavier bins for just this purpose I would wait until you are ready for a telescope. Large bins lose the freedom of being hand held anyway.

Heathrow airport throws out probably the worst LP in west London so I'm hardly surprised you are struggling. If you have transport and can get away from the area even by a few miles this would make a massive difference to your viewing pleasure.

HTH keep at it buddy

Regards Steve

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Hi and welcome, I live in Walton so just down the road, I also help run a local Astro group, just outside Guildford, you are more than welcome to come along and get some advice or join, the link is below to our website, we are also holding a event this Saturday as part of the Stargazing Live event.

Astronomy 4 Everyone : GroupSpaces

Clear skies to you


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HI Stu and welcome to the forum. Fancy checking up on how much your wife spent on you for Xmas! - I would too.:):D Now regarding identifying objects or even locating them in the first instance, why not have a look at this free planetarium known to many of us as Stellarium which you can examine here. Plenty of toys on it to keep you busy when the clouds roll in and certainly a very good tool to help guide you round the sky. Now there is one toy that is useful and that the advance date/time feature which will enable you to anticipate when chosen objects will be available to you and from which direction they will appear. Very useful if your view is partially obstructed by trees as this will give you a precise time of when it will come into view and helps you plan your viewing. You can add labels or simply have the image looking exactly like the night sky. A lot of people here use including myself and certainly worth a look.

Clear skies in the meantime and no you didn't waffle on so much - well not quite:D:D:D!


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Many thanks for the warm welcome everyone.

skywatcher1701 I will try an get to Albury CC on Sat. Looks like there may be a cloud free evening - fingers crossed. Would be great to meet some likeminded folks.

JBM1165 yes Stellarium is great, dowloaded it a week or two ago. I love the way you can turn on/off the constellation lines, names and 'art'.

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Hi Stu,

Welcome to the lounge.

You may find you get better views through your bins if you can ensure they are held really steady. In the absence of a tripod try leaning against a wall or fence. The targets you mention should be visible, not sure how Heathrow will change this.

Good luck.

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Many thanks for the warm welcome everyone.

skywatcher1701 I will try an get to Albury CC on Sat. Looks like there may be a cloud free evening - fingers crossed. Would be great to meet some likeminded folks.

That would be great, I will one of the people walking around with a hi-vis on....hope to see you there

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