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Hello from a new Sheffield member


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Hi all! First off, doesn't this site have a lot of new members?! Is this a post Christmas thing or is it always like this?

Anyway, I'm a new Sheffield member. After years of umming and ahing I got my first telescope (since my childhood toy) on Thursday. I opted for a good value second hand Celestron Nexstar 102 SLT, a choice based in part on posts on this site. I've just got the two provided eyepieces, which are 25mm and 9mm, along with a 2x Barlow, so I've got magnification from 26x to 146x.

I was luckyish with the weather on Thursday night and Friday morning, managing to get out for an hour or so under clearish skies on each. I got a good view of Jupiter showing some detail, Uranus as a green dot, Mars as a red disc and Saturn's rings. All firsts for me. Also Andromeda for the first time, though having thought about my field of view with my 25mm eyepiece I now realise that I was only seeing the central part, but I gather that's all I'll see from my viewing site anyway. Despite having realistic expectations, I still half hoped I'd see those spiral arms in glorious colour!

I already realise that I probably won't use the GOTO function as much as I thought, but I'm glad I have it and am really pleased to have a scope that I can set up quickly to track objects.

I'm very happy with what I've got for now and am determined to enjoy my first scope for a while without yearning too much for the next! I'm a mature student with a really limited budget so am having to resist the temptation to get a load of new eyepieces and filters on my credit card (be strong, Chris). I would however like a little more magnification, which I think the scope could handle.

Some advice on the best way to spend £50 or so would be appreciated. For the moment, my interests are the moon and planets.

Thanks for reading!!


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Hi Chris. I too have 50 pounds to spend and I am toying with more lenses.

My main interest is in Astro photography, so I have bought myself a Web cam.

With this I will be able to take photos of all the planets and maybe some nebula...

Hence the reason for more lenses.

Saying that, after looking at my Web cam, i'm not sure if I can add lenses to it.lol.

I think its only when you have been out a few times, you suddenly realise what you want our need.

Good luck


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keep ya money in ya pocket for a while ,get some low power as high is ok but its pushing thing to the limit i like to have a small jupiter with great detail,or i could barlow it up and get it bigger with less detail if you want to spend look at the tmb or bst heres the link

1.25" Eyepieces

thanks clear skies always

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Hi Chris,

Welcome to SGL

I have yet to get my first scope (am using bins) but I would recommend playing around with what you have for a while. I have noticed, even with the bins, that viewing conditions make a lot of difference to how much you can see.

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Thanks for the comments and welcomes. I think I'll take the advice to hold off on purchases for a while. I have after all only had two hours of viewing in less than ideal conditions. I know in my head that low power is the way to go, but I think I may ultimately have to learn that the hard way!!

The_PSY3NTIST - That sounds great! January is full of trips away from Sheffield, plus revision and exams but I'll get in touch in February.

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Hi Chris and welcome to the forum. Lots more people join at this time not only because of Christmas but also because its the start of our 'hunting season' be it hunting for images or new observations that can be performed during long dark nights and sadly, all too often as late under long dark clouds!:(:D

Clear skies


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Some advice on the best way to spend £50 or so would be appreciated. For the moment, my interests are the moon and planets.

Ey up.

As already discussed no need to rush in and splash the cash. An interest in "the moon and planets" is a good place to be. :(

I take it you already have downloaded free astro software such as:


Virtual Lunar Atlas

Cartes du Ciel

Having said that there are plenty of good astro books out there for you to dip into (Turn left at Orion, Patrick Moore etc etc).

Search the SGL threads for further info...

If you are a lunartic then one that I recommend is Observing the Moon by Gerald North (try and pick one up second hand?).

Clear skies.

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