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Hello from Berkshire


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Hello there,

I recently got into astronomy and astrophotography, and I'm now totally hooked. I spent the last few months reading various mags and websites, looking at photos and researching to figure out what I should be doing and this forum has been a good source of info.

Got my first scope at the end of October, a second hand Tal-1 4.5" newt reflector, and it's been a great starter scope. I've been finding my way around the sky, and from my light polluted back garden in Reading I've had some great views of Jupiter, and just been able to make out Andromeda and the Orion Nebula.

With a phillips toucam I borrowed off a friend, I've had several attempts at imaging Jupiter, and last night finally got the settings right to produce an identifiable image !

Looking forward to getting into this exciting hobby ;)


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