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Hello from the Netherlands


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Hello all.

I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Tjeerd and I'm a Physics and Astronomy student living in the Netherlands. Looking at the night sky has always been interesting, but actually learning about the things happening only adds to the fun.

I know that for optical astronomy this country isn't exactly the best spot. There's a rule of thumb that the sky here is overcast about two-thirds of the time. Combined with pretty heavy light pollution it makes observing a bit tricky at times.

I'm looking forward to the people and the wealth of information on this forum.


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Hi Tjeerd and welcome to the forum.

Looks like your viewing conditions are similar to what we experience here in most of the UK and my brother (who is in Utrecht) has confirmed that.

There is more to Astronomy than visual and it is broad church, and you are in the best place to learn here on Stargazers Lounge as I have found out.


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Hi Tjeerd

A very warm welcome to the SGL, if you are in Amsterdan or Rotterdan the light pollution is very bad, do you have any dark sites you can go to ? as for weather I would say we get clouded out the same as you do

clear skies


Essex UK.

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