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Salisbury star party chat


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Looking forward to meeting a few people I've chatted to on SGL and other forums, we don't seem to have pitch numbers, but I've booked Hook Up, so do come and say hello.

Weather forecast seems OK for Sunday night and Monday night at the moment, Tuesday onwards the forecast seems to change daily but currently looks like rain.

Darren, any idea what days the talks are happening?

I assume like other Star Parties people will be selling items they no longer require and we can all pick up some bargains. I certainly have a Phillips webcam PCVC680 to sell and a DSLR Coolbox, though I do have a prospective buyer for the latter who has first refusal.


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I'm in for the week come rain, snow, wind or shine. It's my only holiday this year and I'm going to enjoy it. Just fitted central heating to my truck and got a heavy duty all weather awning for the back. Bring it on!

I've packed my trunks and flip flops just in case we get :) but also all my extreme weather gear in case we get :)

(Claire, you bring the 'Rosey' I'll pack the 'Maiden Voyage' and Pete, don't be such a wus, who am I going to blag mulled wine off if you're not there?)

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I'm in for the week come rain, snow, wind or shine. It's my only holiday this year and I'm going to enjoy it. Just fitted central heating to my truck and got a heavy duty all weather awning for the back. Bring it on!

I've packed my trunks and flip flops just in case we get :) but also all my extreme weather gear in case we get :)

(Claire, you bring the 'Rosey' I'll pack the 'Maiden Voyage' and Pete, don't be such a wus, who am I going to blag mulled wine off if you're not there?)

The Curse of Gnome - brings all the kit for the worst weather to make sure it happens..... and it is Gluwien my dear chap!

I will be down if and when the elements are reasonable.

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Given I've just got back in after imaging with it being 1degC outside.. this weekend will see the hunt for additionally log USB cables.

No chance of me putting in an all-nighter in that temperature without shelter & warmth! I tried that at SGL6 and Adrian was going through his mountaineering training to see if I was hyperthermic lol.

Just been playing with the new filters.. the image is bad, so bad it's embarrassing compared to the mono images, but it's the workflow that I now understand to get the colour images that was the purpose of the exercise.

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We're also slogging it out for the whole week whatever the elements chuck at us.

Don't forget about Sixpenny Hanley's famous micro-climate though... it might not be as gloomy as the reports suggest.

And Squiddy - don't be such a wuss!! :)

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Wish I could make it, but don't get back into the country from a month away working until 6am on the 30th....Amanda says' she might pop over to say hello though.

Have fun and clear skies all.



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Hi Carastro,

The talks are being held on the the Saturday as stated on the website along with the planetarium and the hogroast.

See you soon

Darren :)

The website states "daily talks" or I'm looking at the wrong info? Also will there be any trade stands in attendance? Also is the website info up to date or will you be adding additional speakers etc?



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Weather forecast is looking a bit grim, am thinking of just bringing my pop up tent instead of the full works, so at least I can pack up and go quickly and not have a huge wet tent to pack away.


Shame after all that work organising it. Tomorrow (Sunday) looks like the only decent night all week.


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