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Hello and I hope I did the right thing!


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On Thursday night I went to let the dogs out before bed and noticed a very bright object in the sky so I took out my iPad launched star walk and discovered it was Jupiter. Then I got out my camera, attached my 400mm lens and spent the next two hours trying to photograph it!

I managed to get a small red dot with four smaller dots around it and decided what I really needed was a telescope so I found Stargazers lounge by accident and read as much as I could take in.

I looked at Starwatchers, there was a cheap 200P on eBay but it was in Dundee and It seemed a bit too advanced for a complete beginner. I also felt that something with a built in computer guide was probably a good way for me to learn.

One of the things I found out on the forum was that Green Witch were opening a store in Birstall, Leeds today so I put list of possible scopes that got good reviews here in my pocket and off I went and I met Lee and Sue and spent an hour or so being further educated about Newtonions and Maks by the very helpful and patient Lee.

I ended up buying a Nexstar 127 SLT with a power tank and dew remover and I'm now sitting in the garden waiting for it to go dark!!!

Very excited and hoping to see Jupiter in a bit more detail than my Nikon allowed.

Once I get the hang of it I would like to connect a webcam as all the advice on the forum says that's what I need rather than a DLSR but to start with I'm looking forward to spending the night under the stars and I hope I made the right choice of scope.

the only downside is that I have to go out for curry tonight but hopefully it will keep me warm when I'm sat in the garden all night!

I'm not sure what I should buy in terms of eyepieces, Barlows PR filters, not 100% sure what they do or why I need them but I'll keep reading and any advice appreciated.

I'll let you know how I get on.

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Hi Andrew and welcome to the forum

Congratulations on the getting the scope and very apt for your interest in planetary views. There are lots of toys to be had but for now I would just enjoy what you've got and especially while the weather holds up and see what you find yourself using most often and improve on that. Filters and barlows come in many shapes and sizes and more importantly, quality. I would ask a question over on the equipment help section for further advice.

Clear skies


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good scope to start with and good size. stick with the std ep for now untill you can realy appreciate better. what ever you see tonight dont expect it to be like the magazines as these are not what you will see, enjoy your new toy and welcome to sgl

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The SLT is a great little mount - I can't recommend it highly enough. You may wish to invest in a 2x barlow lens to increase the focal length of your 'scope, which will give you a larger image in the eyepiece as well as effectively doubling the number of eyepieces you have. I recommend, however, the Astro Revelation 2.5x apochromatic barlow (I have 4 barlows of different makes and the revelation is easily the best). You will find the revelation here:-

Revelation Astro 2.5x Barlow Lens 1.25"

Clear skies,


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Hi - and a welcome to SGL!!

Glad to see Greenwitch have opened as planned - I live just a few mins drive away and will be visiting shortly!!

This forum is a wonderful source of info - enjoy!!

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