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Hello to all,

My name is Mihai and I am an amateur astronomer from Romania. Knowing this you are probable wondering why I've chosen to join an astronomy forum in Britain, the answer is simple.....i have known about this forum and have watched it for some two years now but only a little while ago did i decide to take the plunge as it were and sign up.

Professionally i am a Geologist with a bachelors degree in Biostratigraphy (i look at bugs brought up by the drill bit and tell you the age of the rock from which they came) and beginning a majors in Vertebrate paleontology (my true love).

Hobby wise astronomy and painting are up there battling one another for my spare time. I started with visual astronomy about ten years ago after receiving a home built 130mm Newtonian from another amateur. Took a break from the hobby for quite a few years but started again two years ago after a friend gave me his EQ5 mount which he bought for astrophotography but never used. I have never owned anything larger than 6 inches aperture and now i have started down the long road of astrophotography. Fear not, i already have a working setup and will not bother you with silly questions asked over and over but i will bug you good people with processing issues....:p

Other hobbies: Growing Carnivorous Plants, Astrophysics, Physics and construction of nuclear weapons, hiking, drinking, ;).

Sooooo, this is a bit about me, the rest and most important bits you will find on Deviantart where i post my works, they speak better of me than i ever could.

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Hi Mihai, welcome to SGL :p

My friend Lucy (Lucica) is from quite close to you. I can't remember all our conversations, and the names are strange to me, but she is possible from close to, and used to work in, Hunedoara. Small world ;)

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@Scuba Mike - that's why i joined..... cant wait.

@ swamp thing - before you panic its the physics behind the weapons that interests me, personally i a an opponent of nuclear weapons but at the same time i love the physics and mechanics involved, screwy i know but.....

@Mr Spock - yup, Hunedoara is right, Hateg is in Hunedoara County, really small world.

@Alan B - mosquitoes you mean.......ha ha ha cold chill on the back of my neck

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