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Hi all. I guess you could call me a relative newbie to astronomy, so far as actually getting out with a telescope is concerned. I've always wanted to dive in but time, and money have intervened. Until now, that is :glasses2: I had finally decided to bite the bullet and buy a halfway decent starter scope, and I had decided to spend around $700 or so.... When lady luck decided to grace me with her presence. Long story short, for that $700 I wound up with not one scope, but THREE: A brand new Celestron Nexstar 130 slt (too much tech for its luddite owner), a Celestron c90, and last but certainly not least a 80s era Meade 8 inch SCT with motorized polar mount. How's that for a haul?

So yeah, I guess I'm a pretty well equipped newbie :rolleyes: What a great hobby. I've been out every night for a week, hunting (successfully, much to my surpise) star clusters and nebula. Neighbors have stopped by, conversations have gone on long into the night. I'm going to dive into variable star observing soon.

So hi all! I can't wait to talk shop with you guys nad gals. I'm driving the family nuts with telescope talk lol.

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hi Jdrose and welcome to sll and the night wonders,some times its hard not to want to talk about it ,see in things for the first time,is always a blast from the past ,my neighbors love have in a peek but most just like the bright nebs and not clusters have fun and enjoy your scopes

clear skies always

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