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Aargh, the light!


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Hello everybody.

I found this forum yesterday when searching for a nice, friendly place to chat about astronomy. I've been interested in the night sky all my life and got my first telescope in 2008. It's a 6" Newtonian reflector (this one). At the time, I was living somewhere with excellent dark skies and had great fun freezing to death in the garden for hours on end. :) Nine months later, I moved to an area with a horrendous amount of light pollution and established that the only way I was going to be able to get use out of my telescope was to drive out into the nearby countryside with it. Regrettably, with one thing and another, it's taken me two years to achieve this, which I'm very ashamed of. :( I've missed spending time with it and am really looking forward to more expeditions. Please consider me a complete novice: I've still got absolutely everything to learn and I think I'll benefit greatly from the society of people more knowledgeable than myself. This forum looks, at first glance, like one of the friendliest and most helpful I've ever seen, so I think I'm going to enjoy spending time here.

Pleased to meet you. :)

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You can still view a fair bit in light polluted skies....

So I understand. :( Unfortunately, my house has a street lamp outside the front door and a carpark floodlight next to the back garden fence. :) :) We're planning on moving in the next year, so hopefully our next house won't be similarly afflicted.

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Hi and welcome :) Many of us share the problem of light pollution in urban environments, and can sympathise with you. Mind you, the last time the country was this skint and ungovernable was 1974, and we had mass power cuts through the winter, so maybe all us urban astronomers will have a nice dark winter nights to look forward to... better charge up those power tanks now, just in case :)

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