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M13 - April 7th 2007


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I've been doing so much Solar System stuff of late that I'd almost forgotten how to take deepsky images. Lots of faffing and cursing last night getting everything to work but eventually it did come together. Here's M13 taken with an ED80 and Canon 20Da DSLR camera.


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Superb image :D

I've opened up Redshift 5 for comparison and I see you've captured a galaxy to the bottom left - NGC 6207.

[edit]I see GazOC has noticed it :lol: - I wasn't even aware that a galaxy (NGC 6207) could be seen in the same FOV as M13 until now :oops: [/edit]

There's an even smaller and fainter one halfway between this and the top edge (in your image) of M13 called IC 4617. This one isn't in Redshift 5 nor is it shown in my Tirion SkyAtlas 2000 (maybe it's in Starry Night) so I had to google for information on that one :D It's not even listed in my Sky Catalogue 2000 Vol.2 book either but it's definately there in your image :lol::D

Anyone care to check if IC 4617 is in Starry Night. If it is, I'll definately be investing in a copy for the simple reason it might have more DSO's in it's database than Redshift 5.

According to what I've found out so far IC 4617 is a very challenging visual object of magnitude 15.5 so a large scope is needed to see it. So far I've read a few reports of failed attempts and that it doesn't appear to be listed in most of the standard reference catalogues.

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Oh! you beauty. That is a must stunning M13, and got to be the best I have seen from a ground based amateurs scope.

That really deserves a place on the cover of one of the mags.

I am saying no more, otherwise I will be drooling all over my keyboard.

Thanks a lot Pete, It's a scorcher.

Ron. :D

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Anyone care to check if IC 4617 is in Starry Night. If it is, I'll definately be investing in a copy for the simple reason it might have more DSO's in it's database than Redshift 5.

Yes its there OK.

Captain Chaos

Thanks CC :D

That's another item added to the ever growing list of things to buy then.

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