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Comet Garradd ... and hooray!

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The hooray is because I think I've finally sorted out (after several weeks) my issues over funny-shaped stars when using a coma corrector with my new SXVF-H9. (some of you may have read my tedious thread on this elsewhere). By subtly adjusting the spacing of the coma corrector with home-made washers made from the plastic cut from an old milk carton (aren't we a resourceful lot) I eventually seem to have hit on the optimum spacing at last.

Anyway, I tried a series of images in a rich star field as a test, and chose Comet Garradd as it's passing through a very nice area. Anyway, here's the result. Quick and dirty. No colour, darks, bias or flats, but at least the stars are round at last. Well, almost. I feel that I am back in action at last.

SXVF-H9, 20 x 1 minute exposures, 250mm f/4.7 Newtonian, NEQ-6, guided with PHD guiding.


And stacked on the comet:


And here's an animation of the motion in 20 minutes:


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