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It was clear and then !!!!!

Essex Stargazer

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I have tried really hard to be positive about the weather of late and even tried to encourage other memebers when frustration sets in but by god I'm having trouble convincing myself that there's light at the end of the tunnel (or should that be dark). If I had a car sat there doing nothing on my drive I would have sold it by now and on one or two occasions I have considered flogging all my kit. It's having three star parties before November that's keeping my interest alive. May feel differently in the morning.

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This is why you need a "grab and go" scope as well as your main instrument. The UK weather is so variable and change can happen so quickly - with a quick setup and take down scope you can at least get some observing in to keep your interest between sessions with the larger / more complex setup.

This is one of the reasons that I use solely undriven alt-az mounts now - no good for imaging of course but at least you get some astronomy in.

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Got caught last night with it 10pm clear as can be set all my stuff up then just as Jupiter and moon was getting nicely placed cloud just rolled in from everywhere i sat waiting until 3am hoping for a break that never came

Now its doing it again lovely clear skies cant see a cloud from any direction but sat 24 says its coming so im just pondering what to do


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Yes this weather is driving me to madness, I can't be that far away from you as I

reconise the houses I also can see that you use a nagler 5mm how is that working for you as I was under the impression that it would be to powerful for this scope?



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Yes this weather is driving me to madness, I can't be that far away from you as I

reconise the houses I also can see that you use a nagler 5mm how is that working for you as I was under the impression that it would be to powerful for this scope?



Hi Goug

I am in Dagenham so not far from you

Re the eye piece , I only collected the scope Thursday first use Friday so not had a chance to try out most of the kit I have

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Hi Goug

I am in Dagenham so not far from you

Re the eye piece , I only collected the scope Thursday first use Friday so not had a chance to try out most of the kit I have

The 5mm will give 400x - that won't get used much under typical UK skies I reckon. When I had an F/10 8" SCT I found a 7mm a usable max high power eyepiece - 285x - and that was on good nights.

"Your mileage may vary" as they say :)

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