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Just wanted to introduce myself, my name is Dave and i live in Columbus Ohio. I have always enjoyed photography, mainly wildlife/landscape/train photography and i've recently got the bug for astrophotography.

All i have right now is a Canon 7D, 70-200mm f/2.8L II and a Canon 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5.

I was wondering if anyone could tell me what i might need or would suggest a good mount for starting out in astrophotography, i have given consideration to starting out in widefield astrophotography so i dont have to purchase a pricey scope.

thanks for all the help!

Dave Tenney

Columbus, OH

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Hello Dave

Welcome to SGL Forum

I am no astro photographer so cant give you any advice

All I can say is I THINK most either attach a camera or a web cam to a telescope

Someone more knowledgeable will be along soon to give you proper advice

Have a nice day

Allen :)

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You could start with a small, motorised, eq-1 or eq-2 mount, if you are just using your camera. With accurate polar alignment and smooth tracking, you sould be able to take long exposures without trailing occurring. Even just tripod mounting can bring out good widefield (18-25mm focal length) results on exposures upto 20 seconds.

I'm currently capturing constellations at 18mm on a floating drilling rig with bareable success.


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Hi Dave from Columbus Ohio welcome to SGL, as your interest is in widefield photography with your cameras you would possibly want to consider going down the AstroTrac route, there are a number of dealers in the States who sell this devise but it is a bit expensive, the latest all singing and dancing model is coming out at around $700, but of course a basic set up or s/h would be cheaper, the only other item you need is a good stable tripod, but you may have one of these in your kit already.


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thanks for the input and help!

im thinking the astrotrac setup is going to be the best route for me to get started and get my feet wet. i actually just got a nice Benro tripod that has a 22lb load capacity and very sturdy.

hope to get the setup soon and start sharing photos.

again, thanks for the help!

Dave Tenney

Columbus, OH

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thanks for the kind welcome...

i noticed and looking around that alot of you use the C9.25 scope. now i shouldnt say money isnt an issue, it always is, im away of how expensive everything and i was actually surprised how affordable the C9.25 is.

does anyone use that scope for astrophotography and are you pleased with results? i would just be using a canon 7d as my camera.

thanks again for the welcome and all the help!

Dave Tenney

Columbus, OH


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There has been some excellent photographic imaging done with the C9.25 and it is a popular scope, being in the States a good mount for the scope would lean towards the Losmandy GM11, have a look at the Losmandy users group web site, you may be able get some useful information from them.


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