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Withdrawal symptoms

robbie c

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Hi everybody is it just me or is anybody else suffering from this at the moment I'm finding I'm lucky if I can get out once a month let alone once a week and its not looking good for this weekend or the rest of the month, I know I'v only had my scope since the beginning of June but I'v only managed to get out 3 times and one of them was ruined when it clouded over after about 40min's of viewing it is so frustrating:angry9:

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yep i know what you mean:( but winters coming up soonish-lets hope for more clear skys:) also viewing conditions should be much better without the heat and haze-summer is the worst time too pick up astronomy (as im finding out) lol.

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I can sort of live with it by reading as much as I can about the game and coming on here. Weekends I beaver away in my shed creating astro-mods that hopefully will come into play when the skies play fair. I am not sure I would look forward to a session as I do now if I were under the stars every night. Booking time at star parties helps a tremendous amount. Three down this year and four more before November.

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One solution I have to this problem is become a 'weather watcher' that way you'll always have something to do! To this end I installed a Maplins weather station to record weather data at my observatory and I also do a bit of time lapse cloud photography (which can give interesting results even at night)

A night time cloud video

And the clouds roll in.... on Vimeo

Standard daytime cloud timelapse:


My weather station.


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It's a good time to buy new kit and try out other hobbies. A thread on guitars here on SGL has got me back into playing again and I've just bought a Stratocaster....you should hear me butcher Atlantis, by the Shadows :)

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Frustrating isn't it. Winter's on it's way though, not only longer dark periods but i've noticed the skies are much clearer at that time of year. Only real drawback is the amount of clothes you end up wearing.

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