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i simply love this video...


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I love this video, ive watched it over and over but it kind of frazzles my brain and just makes me feel a bit sick to the stomach as it hits home just how inignificant we really are....a little bit depressing really but exciting at the same time, if youve seen it before im sorry for repeat posting, if you havnt...well enjoy!!

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amazing aint it! one thing that always springs to mind when i watch this and thats "there has to be other life forms like humans out there" even within our own galaxay if not in another, just a shame we will prob never be able to travel that far to find out ;)

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I think we will find out that there is life out the within our life time though. judging by the amount of exo planets there finding. its amazing that they can tel what elements are in the atmospheres of these planets . and with spectroscopy and a little time observing planets in there orbits rotations and there seasons im certain we will se the fluctuations that are the foot prints of life. but this is only in our local area of our galaxy. well i reckon. hehehe

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I think we will find out that there is life out the within our life time though. judging by the amount of exo planets there finding. its amazing that they can tel what elements are in the atmospheres of these planets . and with spectroscopy and a little time observing planets in there orbits rotations and there seasons im certain we will se the fluctuations that are the foot prints of life. but this is only in our local area of our galaxy. well i reckon. hehehe

oooooo i hope so! just the thought of finding other life forms out there is crazy but exciting, i was just having a read of this actualy...

......Is the Rocky Alien Planet Gliese 581d Really Habitable? | Alien Planets & Search for Life | Gliese 581d and Gliese 581g | Space.com

very interesting,

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It's always amazing to see things put into perspective isn't it. What is it that makes us yearn to learn more yet knowing that we exist for an infinitesimal "blink of an eye".

Gosh.. feeling a bit philosophical tonight then.. ;)

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Dear Bluenosebatty,

When I see a video like that, I never feel sick, insignificant or depressed.

On the contrary.

A great pride fills me to be a part of the species that produced such a marvel.

There is most probably intelligent life elsewhere, but for now, we're it, and of the millions of species that have, and still inhabit the Earth, ours is the only one to ever have seen so far.

As a species, we've done many cruel, ignorant and barbaric things (and THAT makes me feel sick, insignificant and depressed), but astronomy is one achievement we should truly be proud of.

I am.

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Dear Bluenosebatty,

When I see a video like that, I never feel sick, insignificant or depressed.

On the contrary.

A great pride fills me to be a part of the species that produced such a marvel.

There is most probably intelligent life elsewhere, but for now, we're it, and of the millions of species that have, and still inhabit the Earth, ours is the only one to ever have seen so far.

As a species, we've done many cruel, ignorant and barbaric things (and THAT makes me feel sick, insignificant and depressed), but astronomy is one achievement we should truly be proud of.

I am.

Of course,

I im very proud of what man has achieved since we first stepped foot in to space im also very proud and excited to be learning the hobbie of astronomy, its not astronomy in general that make me feel sick its watching this video because it really hit home of how big the univere actualy is and how big our planet earth isnt, watchin this I see our planet & our solar system within the universe as equivelant to that of a grain of sand on a sandy beach and thats what scares me thinking planet earth is so big to us but yet so small, its a great video tho isnt it, I showed it a few of my friends and they were gob smacked! I dont think they understood that "space" expands past our solar system, like alot of people they think space is just us and the 8 planets,.............think il give it another watch actualy! ;)

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