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Made Myself an Observing Screen

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Hi Guys

I decided to make myself an observing light blackout screen.

Made for 32mm dia waste pipe, 90 deg elbows, T pieces and Weed Control Fabric.

At present i have not covered the lower section of the panels with the fabric as it is below eye level.

I may change my mind the first time i use the screen and blackout the lower portions.

The "doorway" pipes serve to lock it all up securely.

I will probably have a screen which hangs from the top of the "doorway" to floor level.




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this is fabulous mate and almost exactly like something I have drawn but not yet put together.

mine will be square and fixed to our pergola.

how high are the sides? I had in mind about 6 feet which whilst just at my eye level, will be above the level of the scope's focuser.

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How about a portable changing room? Nothing worse than being dragged around clothes shops by 'er-indoors and waiting endlessly for a changeing room to become availiable, only for her to say 'I didn't think I would like it'........

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Great idea, i once made something really similar using the same materials, but it was for use as a puppet theatre!


"thats the way to do it"....someone had to say it

That is really a great build, that would suit me perfect to stop next doors lights, got me thinking now

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Thanks for the relies guys.

It is approx 6' 6" tall.

Each panel is hinged to its neighbour with cable ties.

When broken down it leaves:

2 off 2 panels (hinged)

and 1 off 3 panels (hinged)

The weed control fabric is double thickness.

If need be i will blank off the bottom of each panel with a single thickness piece of fabric .

I think that would be okay as it is below eye level.


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Since putting the pics on the thread i have added one more panel, so 7 panels in total.

I considered places like B&Q and Homebase for the pipes, elbows and T pieces but found that Screwfix were less than half the price of these 2 DIY Stores.

The Weed Control Fabric was from good'old Wilko's


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I've just built something very similar, a guy on CN forum from the States posted a very usefull thread calling his "a black hole". So far I've just built the 3 panels from his design which halves the garden and blocks out the LP fantastically. I'll have to post a thread and some pics to show you mine. I'd thoroughly recommend something like this if you want a portable obsy as it's great.

Yours looks really good, I bet you really notice a difference too in both visually blocking LP and also it keeping the breeze off too, nice one.

Clear skies.........

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That looks great, I was thinking about building a single panel light screen to keep the nearby street lamp from shining in my face when I'm trying to look at anything to the east of my garden.

I hadn't considered weed control fabric but it sounds like a more durable solution than black bags.

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looks great Graham, did something similar but used wooden poles to weigh it down....found the wind moved big screens to easily. Maybe fill poles with sand to weight it down!

How did u attached the mat without tearing? im using velcro stapled to mat on next rebuild

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Most construction companies or utility companies keep on hand rolls of black filter fabric which is usually 15' or 18' wide by 500' long and of dififferent weights.If you contact one, they will usually give you a peice, or sell you some.Would save you the trouble of doubling up, or for bigger applications, the trouble of joining the smaller weed stop fabric. Nice job on your project, but where's the shower head?

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