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Hi from Dorset . Newbie. Advice on scope plz


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Hi everyone, I've been thinking about getting a telescope for months now and although i know light gathering rules, price seems to also rule. I was willing to spend about £500 but to be honest I would rather save for something bigger. However this morning I found a Meade DS-2102MAK with goto on ebay for £150 and it seemed like a great start and a good accompaniment to a larger telescope in the future.

So I wanted some advice in a few areas please.

1. What do you think about the scope? What sights can you possibly see?

2. What sort of Barlow lens would be good for this at a reasonable price. would a x3 be too much?

3. Anyone know of good locations in Dorset (near weymouth) to view from.

4. What is a good webcam setup for astronomy.

Many Thanks


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Hi, Jules, and welcome to the forum.

Depends on what you mean by 'near'. There is a nice site (car park) at the top of grange hill on the purbecks, above Steeple. Nice southerly horizon and not a lot of light. From Weymouth you would turn off towards Lulworth and it is just after you come out of the firing ranges (if they are closed you would need to go via Wareham)

Google Maps

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Hi Jules

Welcome to the SGL.

I have no experience with the scope you mention. Sorry.:D

Although I would imagine a 3x Barlow might be a bit excessive with a Mak.

I'm sure some of the Mak brigade will give you a better idea.

Regards Steve

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Hi Jules, welcome to the Lounge.

Unless you are going to see the scope in the flesh, I would be wary and wouldn't want you to be disappointed with your purchase if it has a no returns policy. Have a look in the beginners and help section, there are loads of threads regarding what would be a suitable scope. If you have £500 to chuck at it you can get something new that you would be very happy with.

Click on the FLO banner at the top, and have a look round their Emporium of goodies. That would give you an idea of new cost.

It all depends on what you prefer to observe as some scopes are good for faint fuzzies, while others excel on the Moon and Planets.

Here's a bit of reading for you.

So you want to buy a telescope ? - Part 1

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Hello Jules,

My advice would be to goto (see what I did there :p) an astronomy shop and buy your first telescope that way. If you haven't got one near you then you could do a lot worse than give First Light Optics a call (link at the top of the page). There are telescope deals to be had on eBay but also many duds. What might at first appear to be a bargain could end up putting you right off this fascinating hobby.

Welcome to SGL :D

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Hi Jules and welcome to SGL :D

That Meade scope is a 4" aperture Maksutov with a focal length of 1356mm and focal ratio of f-13.3. Assuming the optics are in good condition it should give very nice sharp views of moon and planets.

However - if you are buying your first scope you'd be better advised to avoid the second hand market where you really do need to know how to check it over and what to look out for. If you have an astro experienced friend who can view it for you then it might be worth a look - otherwise set a budget and use a recognised dealer like First Light Optics.

A call to them will save you lots of £'s and you'll get a scope that fits your astronomy aspirations. And the pre/post sales support is second to none.

For webcams the current most popular one for astro use is the Philips SPC880 available at Morgans. It's a great webcam to cut your teeth on for astro imaging:

Buy Philips SPC880 webcam at Morgan Computers

If you get it then ask here about software - what you'll need will be free to download.

Hope that helps and enjoy the forum :p

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