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Hello! Newbie from Dorset


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My name is Danielle and I've just joined the forum today! It was complete chance as I was trying to find local Star Parties. I've been to one so far at the peak fo the Perseids at Durlston in Swanage and absolutely loved it.

I've had a fascination with stars since I was a child and now at the tender young age of 29 decided to start taking it a bit seriously. I've just purchased a Celestron Astromaster 130EQ as a starter kit (I had an old school Tasco scope but it was a bit rubbish to say the least - though it gave me good opportunity to see the moon!) so that I can hopefully see Saturn.

That is of course, provided I can get a clear night!

Saturn is my favourite planet - I don't know why but its always fascinated me. I think after all these years of whistfully staring at the sky, seeing Saturn through my new scope will probably bring me to tears haha!

So, thank you for providing such a great forum and I look forward to lurking around. :eek:

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Hi, Danielle, and welcome to the forum from another (East) Dorsetian member.

For 'local' star gatherings (depending on where in Dorset you are) check out SCAG (South Coast Astronomers Group) in the social groups section.

And you would not be the first to react to the first sight of Saturn through a decent scope (which the 130 is) that way.

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Gosh you guys are a friendly lot! This really does make me happy.

I'm in Verwood - just a wee little town, though by that big map I see theres a lot of Verwoodians on this forum! Brilliant!

For what its worth I'm hoping to have a few friends over to go out on Thursday night (weather rumour has it there shall be no clouds) so if anyone is interested in coming along by all means let me know!

and thank you all for being so welcoming! :eek:

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Hi Danielle and welcome to the forum.

You've already discovered just how friendly & generous forum members are with their time, advice and insights into all aspects of astronomy. I've only been a member for a relatively short time, but have been bowled over with the sheer number of helpful answers to what I felt might be darn stupid questions. In addition, the majority of suppliers seem to be equally friendly & helpful; I've had dealings with FLO & Rother Valley and both have been great to deal with.

Just wait until your first "proper" sight of Saturn - something you will probably never forget.

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Hi and a BIG welcome to SGL.

It's a great place to get lots of info and advice...(and how to spend your money!!!-but in a good way that is for a most worthy cause!)

Best of luckand clear skies

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